Old + New = You
By Relotyesac
I miss Joy!! This cd was my best friend through junior high and high school I bought it again today and the words, the voice and the message are just as impactful today! I have to say I absolutely LOVE the Joy Williams from this CD but I have to say I also am obsessed with the Joy williams Music, tone and style from The Civil Wars. I wish she would combine the happy hearted Joy from her old stuff with the folky style from her new stuff! I think that would be more true to who she is - not that I know her at all but I feel like we are friends since I grew up listening to her on REPEAT : )
By JimBucket
If you do not know Joy Williams, then you don't know music-fact. I Believe In You is amazing! So is Serious and No Less. Oh and It's all Good. Just buy the whole album, *grin*, it's worth it! (Touch of Faith is wonderfully good too!)
By Bobbyjack906
I LOOOOOOOOOOVE Joy Williams. I first heard her on the WOW cd and have not stopped listening to "We" since then. I reccomend it!
By Slurpee240
Joy is awesome!
She has such a great voice!