One of my all time favorites
By wifewantedagt
I bought this album when it was first released, and I still love it. One of my favorites ever!!! What an awesome talent!!!
only 14 wow
By maginva
i was lucky enough to see her when she put this record out in 1999 and she was only 14 years old. what a talent she is the greatest
One of a Kind - Few and Far Between
By senatebill198
Never have I met a more sincere musician or human like Shannon in my life. She is amazing both personally and professionally. One of a kind. And she always takes the time to talk with me and my friends, at every show - even though she pours her heart out in each performance. I will never pass up any opportunity to watch her perform and get any music she releases. The songwriting is second to none. Brillant! Get her music and it will transport you - what a talant. So rare these days. Rock on Shannon. Jordan in LA