By Coe44
Why's the date 1970??
Still speaks to me.
By Kaymahn
Bought this in high school and listened to it over and over. It is sad that despite the changing names in the headlines, these songs are as relevant today as they were 28 years ago. It takes alot of courage to call people out like he did.
Guess lives really weren't in the balance
By zimmermanfan
Jackson Browne takes on Ronald Reagan -- and loses. Over eight tunes burdened by awkward, politicized lyrics and forgettable melodies, Browne proves he's just another left-wing celebrity nitwit. Guess he liked the high unemployment, high inflation, high interest rates, high gas prices, low growth and Soviet expansionism of the Carter years better. This record wasn't good in 1986, and neither his music nor his political "insights" have aged well. For diehards only.
Lives in the Balance
By babalooba
JB played the San Antonio Municipal Auditorium in May of 86. All that year Ollie North and Iran-Contra dominated the news. These album cuts summed up how I felt.....and when he sang "Ah boy/this world is not your toy" on Soldier of spurred me into action. I joined the Peace Corps. This was perhaps the best concert I ever attended. He was musically and lyrically at his finest! And prophetic as well.....look what Bush and the rest of the future criminals in that administration have done to our country. Thank you Jackson Browne.
No To Power: a lesson
By jmbredeck
If you enjoy saying (or hearing "no" spoken) to power: This is your next purchase
Lives in the Balance
By cafinated daddyo
His most heart felt and provocative work. not afraid to speak up about the criminal behavior of the Reagan-Bush era.
the genius at his absolute best...
By LP94
Jackson Browne proved yet again, with this album, that he was an amazingly insightful songwriter...It's sad that so few people know about this one...