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Title Artist Time


  • You Don’t Have To Like It

    By famousbrilliance
    Just understand this one thing about this album, Tori had one more album to do with this record company per her contract. She did not want to give them license for anymore of her original songs. This is why she did the covers. You may not like the songs and how she arranged them, but this woman did a boss move to complete her contract with out lawyers and delaying the contract being fulfilled.
  • I Would Not Call These Girls Little

    By Murmur71
    They say “Time heals all wounds.” I would certainly say such is the case here for me. When Tori first released this record I was kind of devastated. I did not understand the concept. I did not understand her mindset. I was so very lost. Let me just say all that has changed over the years. As I have grown, so have each of these tunes. Now being older, I have a much better appreciation and understanding of what Tori was possibly aiming to convey with her interpretation of each. My only exception would have to be “Bonnie and Clyde.” Without a doubt, Tori made me feel and understand that which is Eminem and his grossly misogynistic personality. However, after just halfway through the first listen, I knew it would never be heard by me again.
  • Interesting...

    By Dracophonic
    One of the coolest, weirdest most wonderful covers album of all time! It's not my fave Tori album, but it is still awesome!
  • Strange little concept album

    By Spooky79stl
    It's a cover album that tries to conceal that with a concept. The concept's idea is solid (cover songs written by men about women) The concept is not pulled off though and it is in the end a mediocre Tori Amos cover album
  • Disgrace to Eminem

    By RoRo243
    Her cover of '97 Bonnie and Clyde is the worst cover of a song I've ever heard.. Disgraceful that it was ever made.. It sounds terrible
  • If you are on this page, I suggest you go directly to the "More Tori Amos" link

    By cmaier11
    Strange Little Girls and New Age were good. But I want her material, not Eminem's. Leave the covers to Sam Tsui, Tori.
  • It's not about the money. It's never about the money.

    By MatCab
    When I first became interested in Tori and her music ( I'm still very new to it, only been a fan for maybe a year. It's crazy how quickly I turned into a Tori-fanatic ) I looked through her discography on Wikipedia to see which albums I should check out next. Needless to say, from the fact that it was a cover album and got mixed reviews, I dismissed this one for quite a while. I didn't know many of the original songs and the entire thing just seemed less interesting than her original stuff. I give Tori mad props for even TRYING to pull off something like this, and in my eyes she succeeds fantastically. It's a cover album, but like Tori's original albums, it makes me think ( albeit in a different way ). I'd bought all of Tori's other albums before I got Strange Little Girls, because I wasn't expecting anything at all. And well, I'd say I was proven wrong. This album IS a mixed bag, there's just no denying that. Thankfully she only stumbles through a few songs ( I'm Not In Love ) but soars on others ( '97 Bonnie and Clyde, Strange Little Girls, I Don't Like Mondays ). And beyond that, Tori's created quite a few songs that might not be GREAT, but are definitely good ( Time, Rattlesnakes, New Age ). And really, that's all I want out of a Tori Amos album. I want a CD with songs that are good, and by those standards Tori hasn't turned out a "bad" album yet. She flirts with some dangerous ideas, and that's what's so great about this kind of music. She might miss her target from time to time, but when she hits them it's an absolute jackpot. And hey, even when she misses her original target she always seems to hit a different one.
  • Strange Little Girls?

    By Astroboy6791
    Strange little girls, indeed. I really liked Enjoy the Silence and I'm Not In Love. The other covers were a little too out there for me.
  • Sorry

    By carahudsonerdman
    I missed Tori's songwriting ability in this album. Basically this album (for me) was Tori mixing up other people's songs. Sorry, Tori.
  • ???????????????????????????

    By snarf! snarf!
    She did a cover of "Raining Blood"...... WOW! that's REEEEEEAAAAAAAL interesting???