Foxtrot (2007 Stereo Mix) - Genesis

Foxtrot (2007 Stereo Mix)


  • Genre: Rock
  • Release Date: 1972-10-01
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 6

  • Under exclusive license to Rhino Entertainment Company, a Warner Music Group Company for t


Title Artist Time
Watcher of the Skies (2007 Ste Genesis 7:23
Time Table (2007 Stereo Mix) Genesis 4:46
Get 'Em Out By Friday (2007 St Genesis 8:35
Can-Utility and the Coastliner Genesis 5:44
Horizons (2007 Stereo Mix) Genesis 1:41
Supper's Ready (2007 Stereo Mi Genesis 23:05


  • This Album Contains the Best of the Best Prog Rock Song of All Time

    By Bagerhead
    Jethro Tull - Thick as a Brick or Passion Play, Yes - Close to the Edge, ELP - Brain Salad Surgery are all great prog songs in there own right but Suppers Ready tops them all as the best all around prog rock song ever written. Absolutely worth buying the album for this one song.
  • Best Remix

    By musiking
    Excellent album. This is the best of the 2007 remixes in my opinion as well. Enjoy

    By csbrown81
    I've recently discovered the joys of old Genesis, starting with this album and moving back a step to Nursery Crime, the album immediately prior. Both are incredible works of artistic progressive rock, with phenomenal songwriting and musicianship. The music is whimsical, magical, and profound, with each player a master of his instrument. They definitely grow upon repeated listenings as there is a LOT going on here. One immediate takeaway from both of records is that Phil Collins is a NASTY drummer... being a drummer myself, I had no idea how good he actually is (mainly knowing him from his pop tunes of the 80's.)
  • Suppers Ready

    By ncmc0923
    15:35 - Turn it up!
  • A Work of Art

    By This is real music
    How can you not be taken away by the epicness of Supper's Ready - one of the best songs of all time.
  • Their First Classic Album

    By W. S. Lee Jackson
    Truly amazing album. Even though their sound had been evolving before this I am not sure anyone saw this coming at the time. Only surpassed in their catalogue by Selling England By the Pound, which does not get it's proper due from the fans here on i-Tunes.
  • Overrated but still has it's moments

    By Reckia6
    Not to start a fight with other Genesis fans, but this album never really impressed me too much and I think it's one of Genesis worst albums with Peter Gabriel. I don't like the album some of the music it's a bit too busy. I also don't like the mix of guitar and keyboards. I have also never liked the song Time Table. Lyrically, the album is brilliant and I think Peter Gabriel sings very well here and his vocal melodies are also quite memorable. My two favorite songs are Horizons, perhaps Steve Hackett's finest moment with Genesis and the Lover's Leap section of Supper's Ready. There also some beautiful flute lines in Supper's Ready. And Willow Farm is a lot of fun. But, overall I think Genesis have done much better.
  • First classic Genesis album

    By Cap'n Kirch
    This is the album that early Genesis found their footing on. There's not a bad song to be found on the album, starting with Watcher of the Skies all the way through the 22 minute epic that is Supper's Ready. With the exception of the Lamb Lies Down on Broadway, this is also the hardest rocking of all the early Genesis albums. The place to start if you're interested in this period of Genesis' career.
  • No Dancing Matter

    By stone hippo
    One of the best albums by one of the best bands in rock music history. The album opens with a series of dramatic chords performed on a Mellotron followed by the fade in of pulsing bass and drums. Watcher of the Skies begins with a double intro so to speak. The aforementioned instruments are soon joined by a nuanced lead electric guitar and rich vocals. Watcher of the Skies continues on with an excellent use of dynamics, complex rhythms and spirited playing before concluding with the opening figures. This track and the epic closer are well known and deservedly so. They both make use of a wide array of moods and musical ideas. A truly great album, though, is decided by what lies between the singles, AOR tracks and in concert fixtures. Foxtrot delivers mightily between to this end. Time Table is wonderful melodically and lyrically with grand instrumentation centered around piano rather than organ or mellotron which were the more common keyboards of choice for Tony Banks. Get 'Em Out By Friday is classic Genesis at its best. Changes in key, tempo, time signature keep the narrative moving along in fits and starts while Peter Gabriel paints his vocal uniquely for each "character" in the story. This piece also features Peter on flute which is invariably delightful. The music Genesis is strong on melody, the members composing some of the most enjoyable and memorable ever in any genre. The pieces on this album are no exception. Can-Utility and the Coastliners is a foreshadow of the finale Supper's Ready and makes powerful use of bass pedals juxtaposed against a throaty organ and the string textures of the Mellotron. There are parallels between the main theme and the lyrical motif and those of the closing number. Horizons is a short and rare acoustic piece by Steve Hackett who is more known for his unorthodox but very melodic approach to the electric guitar. This is the perfect transition to Supper's Ready which includes two 6 string and one 12 string acoustic guitar in its extended and quite lovely intro. The rest is again classic Genesis just on a grander scale. There is no weak point in the group's line up. Phil Collins is well respected as a percussionist though Mike Rutherford is very underrated in my opinion as a second guitar player but more importantly as a bassist. The music of Genesis is grand on so many levels. This album puts them on full display, one of the best albums ever recorded, period.
  • A Flower?

    By Nick the Beatles fan
    Absolutely amazing. One of the best album openings ever, with Banks' haunting mellotron starting and everything else joining in. The second track, Time Table, is extremely underrated and has very noticeable bass. Get em out by friday, a story about banks taking away people's houses or something, also demonstrates Rutherfords bass skills and Banks' keyboards are outstanding. Next is Can Utility and the Coastliners. I love this song and can't get enough of it. Great mellotron and guitar solo, love the closing section. The 5th track, Horizons, is a great acoustic guitar piece that leads nicely into Lovers Leap. Suppers Ready is unreal, Genesis' only 20 plus minute song, too great to describe. It especially showcases Tony's skills on keyboards- you need to listen to Apocalypse in 9/8 to know what I mean😀

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