The Band In Fine Form
By W. S. Lee Jackson
Genesis rocked during this period for sure. It is a shame the recording quality is not better. Still an very good album and one worth buying for sure. First time I saw Peter Gabriel on his own was at the Tower Theater in Philadelphia.
At their best
By nocrickets
Saw Genesis once during this phase, and once when they made the giant misstep of Lamb Lies Down. For a band you might think would be studio-bound, they were amazing live -- better than the studio recordings. I was a big fan, but not so much of the quiet, pretty, flutey-tooting stuff. "Rock flute" is as oxymoronic as "jazz flute." For a rock band they often seemed curiously reluctant to, you know, rock. Yet when they did rock, as this album proves, they rocked hard and mighty. Very smart of someone to concentrate on the mighty-mighty numbers for this LP. "Watcher," "Hogweed" and "Box" never sounded better. Too bad they included "Knife" and left off "Supper's Ready," but that was the limitation of vinyl. This is Genesis at their best, my favorite of their albums, when they had developed their sound and their show to the peak and before Gabriel led them up their own fundaments into the terribly boring zone of the dreaded "concept album."
Great Album
By SkyManagerNYC
It would be nice to see some of remaining songs available for download like cinema show and the firth of fifth. The live version is abosultely amazing
By craftsmansweave
This must be added to the catalog soon!
Good Album, Bad Quality
By ZeldaLulamoon
I love Genesis, they were best in the 70's. I believe, its too bad that the quality of the recordings on here are not the greatest.
Can't Go Wrong
By Someone who likes REAL music
This live album is incredible. It captures the band at their Prog-Rock peak! The intro to Watcher Of The Skies gets me every time!
Great album! Big rip-off.
By WebmasterJ
So glad to see that it costs $3.96 to get 4/5 of the album then they charge you $6.03 for one more song.
I had this on cassette years ago which I got in a bargain -bin for $2.
And speaking of live albums - where is Seconds Out?
The "Classic Five" caught here at top form!
By Kouder1
The ratings for the album would be much higher, except that the album is quite brief (five songs) yet these songs sound better here on "Genesis Live" than they their studio counterparts. During this part of the "Foxtrot" tour, Genesis had abandoned live staples "The Fountain of Salamacis", "Can Utilities and The Coast-Liners" and "Twilight Alehouse" but the band's signature song "Supper's Ready" was sadly omitted from the album's original release despite the album cover featuring a live photo shot of Peter Gabriel in his "Magog" costume during the ending of the "Apocolypse 9/8" section of "Supper's Ready". The band is particularly tight in their performance here, but the addition of Steve Hackett on guitars and Phil Collins on drums really elevated Genesis to a "elite" band in Europe, and this tour and album proved it. The version of "The Musical Box" recorded here is worth the price of this purchase alone.
a gtreat piece of luck
By sfcbenny
Originally this album was not supposed to be released in America for whatever reason (kind of irrelevent 35 years on), but somehow copies made it to our shores and stores luckily. I hadn't even heard any Genesis at that point but I became an instant fan once I put this on my turntable. I still think it should have been a double album with "Supper's Ready" included. However, this is the best Genesis lineup playing some of their greatest songs live.
When Did the Old Genesis Get on here?
By DukesTravels
I gave up looking months ago. Fantastic live album. Worth the buy for any Gensis fan