Shattered - EP - Matisyahu

Shattered - EP


  • Genre: Alternative
  • Release Date: 2008-10-10
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 4



Title Artist Time
Smash Lies Matisyahu 3:24
So High So Low Matisyahu 3:41
Two Child One Drop Matisyahu 6:02
I Will Be Light Matisyahu 3:35


  • Shattered-EP

    By Kelly C. Heflin
    Great album!!!
  • Fantastic

    By Mchdgydduu
    Great job
  • Matisyahu was never Reggae!!!

    By mordechai36
    Haters... listen up, all off you! Matisyahu never was a plain straight down Bob Marley like you all seem to think. Okay, so he he'd a few songs here and there that were reggae, but he was always pop, hip hop and rock. Listen to Youth-Rock with a reggae beat! This is what I was always expecting from matisyahu and you guys go and dis! Great job Matis!!!
  • Smash lies

    By jihuiuhi
    I only know the song smash lies. It is a good song but yes, it is very different than most of matisyahu. But it is a good song
  • What is Lashon Hara?

    By Beautiful Yid
    Lashon Hara is Hebrew for "Evil Speech" (or as close to the real translation as I deemed appropriate for here). I read a lot of venomous words here, along with people who love him/his music no matter what he does. Here is an incredibly giving, energetic man, who is utterly Observant, adores his wife and children and gives a great deal to charity. He is a man and he is an artist. Many, many artists experiment with other sounds, so why not this incredibly humble, observant, kind and poetic man? Look at the stretch the Beatles (not that I'm comparing him to them, but just to make a point): It's a far cry from "I Wanna Hold Your Hand", to "Strawberry Fields"! People that are self-aware and certainly in the spotlight, grow and change. May we all do this each day, to become better. You can like this particular offering or not, but to berate a person like Matis... is actually harmful to his being, and worse, to yours. Give it a thumbs up or down, but do not attack the man. And why such foul language from those of you who are dissapointed? Find some new adjectives, please. While in Yerushalayim, my daughter babysat for Matis and his wife with her friend (their regular babysitter when Matis takes his wife on dates, and such). His children were loving, kind, fun and well-behaved. After, they took their kids and the 2 young women (my daughter and her friend) to the park and he not only paid both of them very generously, he insisted on buying food, ice cream, etc.. He and his wife hung out with these 2 young women (ages around 20), and talked with them, about THEM, and were encouraging about THEIR futures. His humility was contagious. My daughter was/is a HUGE FAN, but felt so humbled by their vibes of good cheer, generosity and humility, she never told him she LOVES his music. I felt he would have likely given her a signed CD or 2 if she had mentioned it. She said that they (he and his darling family) acted so sweet + normal, she couldn't bring herself to possibly embarrass him by gushing about his music. He obviously didn't assume my daughter had ever heard of him- in 2008! And we are from TX! He's a human; therefore not perfect, of course! But, this I feel consistently from him... he works on himself every day - it shows in his actions and words. He is devoted to HaShem/Torah and his family, and to leaving the world a better place. This is what his music is always about, even when it sounds a litle different. Reggae? He's a Jew who grew up in New York! He does Reggae & Beat Box because he digs it. Maybe it's not the only kind of music that moves him, now that he is older. Hear the message and don't beat up the messenger, please? Don't buy this album if you don't like it. And, sure, let him & the world know what effect his art has on you, but please, check your mirror, your sense of humor and stop slandering the man. So here is my question- the one I ask myself every day: What are you doing to make yourself; therefore the world- better? I'm 57 and his music inspires me and reminds me why we are here. As a fellow Yid newly trying to be Observant, I appreciate the inspiration, and I do not adore every single song, but I do admire the artist.
  • I Will Be Light

    By DylanTBennett
    Time will continue without you, so in the end its not about you. But what did you do? Who do you love besides you? Besides you? Its all one tiny moment in time. <3
  • Change is not bad

    By i love surfing california
    This album is different yes, but in no way do I think he's selling out or anything like that. Just because the music has more electronic stuff in it doesn't mean it's worse. Music is evolving and he is evolving with it. He grows as a person and his music follows. I really like this different perspective Matisyahu but if you really want some more old type stuff check out his new album Light. There are some good songs on it.
  • get a grip and chill

    By Katwink
    why does everyone have to hate on matis , hes talented so what if his stuff is becoming more mainstream appealing , he is still unique hes a jewish rapper/reggae artist how much more unique do you want. it still has the same flavor but its slightly more trendy its perfect i love it. Shalom matis so breathe in and out and Enjoy this man's talent
  • great ones take risks

    By K--man
    this collection of songs is far from a sellout. this is some adventurous stuff. It would be easy for matis to keep plugging out old school reggae. the spirit is still here, if not stronger in these songs. IMO his best song from his other records is not really a reggae song (time of your song). this EP show a young brilliant artist stretching himself, and for that there will be criticism. People were angered when Dylan plugged in. Am I saying Matisyahu is comparable to Dylan? No. Matis is better.
  • Matisyahu sings for HaShem, not us!

    By AzuGonzMonz
    How selfish of us all to ask that Matisyahu not experiment with other genre of music. I love the reggae also, but it is his talent. It is for him to decide what to do with it. I like the 4 songs on this CD, but I love Matisyahu's spirit more, and that's why I buy his music.

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