An Enduring Classic
By weSwinger
On every medium but vinyl, that is. I wore out my copy, and hadn't filled my library in with this new medium. We jazz fans are lucky, that like good classical, great performances stay fresh. And in this case, I think Cedar and George Coleman could inspire some of the younger musicians. The technical mastery is certainly there, but they show how to flesh it out with soul and passion!
cedar's groove
By regeurkr
cedar has been a master player for a long forever man.
Cedar at his post-bop height
By SteveVanVeen
Superb set. This was Cedar's mid 1970s' style, never trite, leaning on tri-tones and nineths, rhythmically complex. Sam Jones and Bill Higgins were a great duo, and George Coleman literally soars on this album. Check out especially his solo on Bittersweet. As another reviewer described, a gem.
Love it.
By hedgehitch
I keep playing this one over and over. My favorite: Bittersweet. I've gotta get more of Cedar Walton's music. Wonderful.
By Joebdoc
This album still sounds fresh 30+ years later. George Coleman is outstanding. I am surprised there aren't any other reviews of this on iTunes. Bolivia and Naima are most notable, but all the songs are very good. I wore this one out on vinyl.