By Bobula
Springield takes a little harder turn on this album. So many solid songs. Human Touch, Affair of the Heart and Souls were all hits. Alyson, Living in Oz and Me and Johnny are also great songs. Couple fillers but for the most part a really good album.
Love this!
By Miss Lochness
This was always my favorite album!
Great Album!
By Rottie Man
I bought this album on cassette while vacationing in Fla., in 1983. I listened to it in the car on the way home to Va. It played over & over, it was that good! It never got tiresome! It worth listening to, definitely buy this one! Rick had this album (tiger) by the tail & got it right.
High quality, introspective and original
By Freezerburn
I haven't heard this one in a LONG time, as my tape wore out years ago. This album is well-crafted, entertaining, and just as enjoyable today as it was wau back when. Any young 'uns interested in 80's music will find they can listen to this many times over.
One of the Best albums of 1983
By Marlboro Guy
Rick demonstrates fully on this album he is more than just a pretty face. The songs he wrote for this album have a more mature feel and harder edge to them than those found on previous releases, yet they maintain the same mainstream appeal. An underappreciated artist to be sure, Rick's songwriting, guitar playing, singing, and producing skills are all evident here.