Rock solid baby
By BTE0825
Political rock at it's finest. Every song will move you.
Maybe not the best album, but a great album anyway
By digger geoff
This album was expected to be the launching point for the band, if you have seen the capitol theater concert then you will know there was some frustration with how things were going after this was released. I prefer Place without a postcard my self, but this album has some really good protest songs. Peter Garett's political ambitions were coming to the fore in the groups songs at this point and he certainly has the showmanship of a future prime minister!!
The Pinnacle of '80's Rock
By Croomster
This album is one of Midnight Oil's best, despite being dubbed a challenge by the official iTunes review. This album taught me everything I know about activism. "Maralinga" is a song about Aboriginal lands that were tested with nuclear blasts so much by the British during WWII that no humans can live there for the next 25,000 years (at least). "Power and the Passion" needs to be played at high volumes, all the time, and is a "song about surfing" according to Peter Garret (this was a joke he made on the U.S. "Blue Sky Mining" Tour--"Power and the Passion" is really about zeitgeist and having to make tough decisions that were right but not popular because of the spirit of the times). "Tin Legs and Tin Mines"? Who ever really cared about leftover mines from past wars until Paul McCartney's girlfriend? This album was far ahead of its time, and every song is highly relevant today. Buy it so you understand what being a decent human being is really about.
Ahead of its time and unique
By 12amOiler
I would say the Oils where ahead of their time and unique in general. There are definitely infulences heard in their music, but the approach is like that of a rock band playing in a galaxy far far away...
Their sound captivated something for me around when this album came out.. this was definitley a catchy album especially "Power and the Passion" which took the fans into a new turn... and new fans in the U.S. I became a fan when they put out Diesel & Dust and totally was absorbed by what they were doing musically. The character of the individuals playing and the words all capture what they're about and even the Australian dust comes through thier music.
the main thing about this album is that it sure has it purely has its own sound and mood. The guitars ring out, jangle and grind away like something played today, while the vocals are raw, loose and yet somehow make the point with exclamation after exclamation. !!
still most punk
By lilymercury
20 plus years later....still the hardest, most intelligent and weirdest music available. Well, if you are here reading this, you already have guessed that. Cheers!
Still relevant and contemporary 25 years later
By vanaspati
Except for it's dance number "Power and the Passion", which is apt description for the content, this album was pretty much overlooked in the U.S.. What a shame. I wasn't a flag waving fanatic, but I had some youthfull enthusiam for my country, but this album helped open my eyes to imperialism throughout history. Unfortunately, many people will close their ears if some words disagree with their opinions. But it has great merit in it's music as well. "Scream in Blue" is one of the greatest surf/psychedelic/hard rock songs ever, pure genius. Solid Punk from "Read About It", to gentle acoustic with Maralinga. A band like no other.
Midnight Oil at it's best.
By Humphrey Townsend
The album that sits in between their punk roots and their post punk popularity. This is Midnight Oil at it's best: political, accessible, raw and progressive all at once. The band starts crafting its songs without losing the energy from their live performances. If you were at the Bayou in Washington DC during this tour you got see something special.
Classic album so glad it's finally available on Itunes.
By devilfish
If you are af an of these guys at all this is the album to own.