U Want Me 2 - Single - Sarah McLachlan

U Want Me 2 - Single

Sarah McLachlan

  • Genre: Pop
  • Release Date: 2008-08-22
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 1

  • ℗ 2008 RCA Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment


Title Artist Time
U Want Me 2 Sarah McLachlan 4:08


  • At last, a new song from Sarah.

    By parkerpatrick
    Great song...is the beginning supposed to sound like Mad World as recorded for Donnie Darko? Maybe it was on purpose, but it sounds familiar. I do love it though. Looking for a new album from my favorite artist.
  • Brilliant... and in true Sarah style.

    By brfox
    Another amazing song from one of the most amazing artists out there.
  • Brilliance

    By cjh4
    Anything Sarah creates is brilliance! I have been waiting for a new release - can't wait to hear what else she has in store. Her voice is magical
  • Another Chapter

    By Ms. Sphinx
    This is another incredible song by the most amazing female singer. The general opinion seems to be that this song does not have the same mystical melodramatic quality that we all know and love, but I think this it is a very emotional reflection of sadness and hope, but also conveys a sense of new beginning. I don’t know too many artists that could put all of that into a song. I only hope that she does release a full album that touches on her perception of our present world.
  • Love it!

    By OCKK
    Another good one from Sarah.
  • Great single...

    By Paulsreview
    This is an amazing song. It reminds me of her later work. I have to admit that I am getting a little sick of her compilations. I would love to see a new album with all new songs.. But wouldn't we all..
  • adults... tsk tisk tisk

    By Kessie123
    omg why is she using like text language for her song? is she trying to be cool? well forget about it cuz it's weird, very weird.
  • Beautiful!

    By fantasygeek7
    I was watching vhi and I saw this music video and I loved it. The song was just amazing and I was blown away from it. I immediality bought it and now I listen to it 24/7. I just love it and I hope this gets you to buy it. :)
  • omg i want this song!

    By fisherlauren9
  • Music Critic

    By Chunny Run
    Sarah has an amazing voice and this is a sweet sounding song. It would be hard not to fall in love with her enchanting song!

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