Finally! These JEM's were worth the wait.
By Cheese Weasel
WOW!!!!!! From the first note I ever heard Master Vai play, (which was The Attitude Song, found on a sound sheet inside Guitar Player Magazine) I wanted to play along with him. Now we can all learn, jam, and play along with some of the most inventive, challenging and awesome music ever heard in the Universe. Music truly does not get any better than this, unless of course, you do as every one of these tracks begs us to do -- which is dress the genius of Steve's "Naked" backing tracks the way you want them to sound. Grab your guitar, (or Oboe, French Horn, or even Kazoo...) and create some other-worldly sonic spirituality of your own. This is the stuff dreams are made of, and it is exactly what I have been dreaming of for a very long time. We will simply have to get every single one of them. For me, this is a big part of what music is really about. Thank you for "sounding like noise" Mister Vai, and for allowing and enabling all the rest of us to be noisy along with you.