Righteous Brothers
By 63 Year Old
This album was a disappointment! They were so much better in other albums we own, I wish I haden't purchased this one!
Live or Memorex?
By Zeke_in_KC
Respectfully, by the time this recording was made, it appears the duo's vocal skills had faded. One other possibility -- although slimmer -- is that Phil Spector was such a production genius that he made THESE voices sound incredible in the studio albums.
I think he was good, but NOT that good...
I recommend earlier recordings.
Righteous Brothers Live on the Sunset Strip
By kwag88
Not your classis Righteous Brothers.....doesn't do their music justice! Stick to their studio albums.
The Righteous Brothers: Live on the Sunset Strip
By Senior fan
I have been a fan of the Righteous Brothers for many, many years but am very disappointed with this album. This was made too late in their music careers and their voices show it, very shaky (too much vibrato) and often off key. I advise buying their earlier recordings.