Fantastic album love it
By pay iiqikkqk
Fantastic album love it please listen to it you will love it
Awake (1994)
By Ragnarhasknots
A track by track analysis:
1. 6:00
4.5/5 stars
From the outset, this opener already carries a different tone from Images and Words. The organ by Kevin Moore makes this song. That and the jammy atmosphere. Also LaBrie’s vocals are much rougher but no less high range, and are pretty good as a result.
2. Caught in a Web
Heavier than 6:00 by a long shot, LaBrie’s vocals are awesome on this song. John Petrucci deals out fantastic riffs, and Kevin Moore fills out the sonic blanks with organs and synths. Can’t go wrong with this one.
3. Innocence Faded
My least favorite song here, but even then it’s still high quality. Great moody verses and a very melodic chorus, with an 80’s sounding outro that adds to the mix.
4. Erotomania
4/5 stars
My second least favorite song on this album. The band performs admirably, but they haven’t yet reached the zenith of their powers as makers of killer instrumentals. Connects to the next two tracks as an extended suite.
5. Voices
The creepiest number here is also very hard hitting as well. Lyrically, it can sound funnily nonsensical but nevertheless sad. Again, LaBrie steals the show.
6. The Silent Man
The final installment in the trilogy that began with Erotomania, the Silent Man may very well be the prettiest song the band ever cut. As such it’s the best ballad of many they’ve made. Background vocals by Mike Portnoy (or is it John Petrucci? Can’t tell) cement the tune’s beauty.
7. The Mirror
This song and the following remained the heaviest songs Dream Theater composed until 2002. This one rides on a terrific groove metal feel to really sell its craziness. The end of the last chorus ends with eerie keyboards by Moore and then the rest fades into Lie.
8. Lie
This song is considered a game changer for Dream Theater, as it started to show how the band was departing from its Queensryche influence and into a much more metallic one. LaBrie sounds very nasty here, enough to forget about the soaring vocals of Images and Words, and the groove is just mean.
9. Lifting Shadows off a Dream
Another spectacular ballad. Though not as pretty as the Silent Man, this song is just as good. It is reminiscent of U2, but if U2 were better musicians. Great bass by Myung, and the ending is fantastic.
10. Scarred
The longest track is of course the least accessible to mainstream listeners, but for progressive rock fans it’s a treat. It sounds like Rush, especially at the end. I really like it.
11. Space Dye Vest
Seriously what’s up with the ballads? Why are they so good on this album? This one and Vacant (off of Train of Thought) are the darkest ballads they dared to make, but Space Dye Vest is by far the creepier of the two. It’s very personal and the music equally so, with Moore’s pianos being a prominent feature. You couldn’t ask to end an album better than with this.
Awake’s heavier tone set the standard for Dream Theater’s later work, and James LaBrie’s singing hit a peak he’d never replicate ever again. Therefore, Awake is an essential Dream Theater record. I for one consider it to be the second best album they ever made, after Train of Thought.
My Favorite Album of All Time
By Philip Defracio
I was floored the first time I heard this record, literally perfect in every way. Dream Theater has come close with some of their other records but I truly believe this album will never be beaten, by any band.
To The Top
By I'm Late to the Party
Can't believe Awake is more than 2 decades old yet still sounds so fresh. I've been playing it on a loop for weeks and have not tired of it yet. By far, my new favorite album and my new favorite band -- sorry, Pink Floyd.
My favorite DT album by far
By RockNRollStaaaa
I love Dream Theater. Almost all of their albums are some of the best albums I've ever listened to. This, however, is by far my favorite, and possibly my favorite album of all time. Personally, my favorite singer is Steven Tyler, but this might be my favorite vocals album. My favorite songs are probably Innocence Faded, Erotomania, The Mirror, Scarred, and Space-Dye Vest. Every song is fantastic though.
Great album
By TigersJC86
I felt like this was the last time we see James at his best vocally. Songs are all great. Just a good overall feel
By berzerker707
A must have for your collection!!!
The best DT
By Ranlisben
This is the best DT album. Images and words, and Scenes are good albums, after that the quality starts to drop off. this is DT before they started repeating themselves, or worse, trying to sound like other bands.
Solid, complete album
By icepeter96
When it first came out, I was underwhelmed by the lead single, Caught in a Web, and didn't pick it up until a year later. This is when I learned that you can't judge a DT album based on the song the label chooses to release. This is still my favorite Dream Theater album, and it started some themes that have followed them throughout their careers. It's got a little of everything, from the epic Voices to the accoustic Silent Man, to the fist-pumping Lie, to my personal fave Lifting Shadows Off A Dream, wrapped up by the piano/emo Space Dye Vest.
Awake is an excellent piece of hard progressive rock.
By Tommy shizzle
Atmosphere. It's somewhat due to the spacey production but the songs fit so well with it.. This albums atmosphere takes you somewhere that the newer DT albums don't. Just buy it