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Title Artist Time


  • RIP George. You will be missed dearly.

    By BuckHippy
    Today on Christmas Day 2016, you passed away. I grew up listening to your music and you have been my favorite artist through the years. Thank you for the music, the memories, the moments in my life when you understood my own life with your words. I saw you in concert, paid handsomely to be front and center and it was magical. You're the one and only. You will always be the best. Rest In Peace George Michael and thank you so much for everything.
  • Understand

    By tunephile
    Well I have to say that for the last 5 years I mostly overlooked this CD because I have every song on it from previously released albums of George. Except "Understand" which I accidentally discovered tonight. Can't believe all this time has gone by without knowing about this gem. It's so beautiful. Over the years George has released singles that were never heard here in the US so jewels like this song slipped past me. Glad to have found out about it. His voice is of course, amazing.
  • Nothing to do with the Music

    By PMOUT
    This review is a rant against I Tunes. Having been a fan of GM sense the Wham Days I already own everything that he has recorded on his solo albums and Wham. I even have the CD single of Freedom with Fantasy on the B side and have loved that song long before anyone even knew it existed. What I don't have are some of the songs that are Album only. Well I am not about to drop $35 on a bunch of songs that I already own just to get the few that I don't. I Tunes you lost money today due to this stupid policy
  • Gm Is Simpley the best!!

    By Sonnydemetro
    The greatest Songs I Ever heard!
  • OMG!!!!!

    By Senfe88
    Love every song. George knows how to express his feelings in song, that's why he is so loved by women around the world.
  • wow!!

    By a walk 2 remember lvr
    omg feeling good is the best song he's ever done! absolutley love it!
  • Decent Enough But Unnecessary

    By Patty773
    This was obviously an attempt to capitalize on the world tour George Michael underwent between 2006 and 2008. Sure, it does have all of the major hits and most accomplished work, along with some rather so-so tracks from his last album PATIENCE. But I would highly recommend taking a pass on this and purchasing instead the previous greatest hits compilation LADIES & GENTLEMEN which has even more must-have songs and three additional duets. Then, go back and purchase only 3 songs from this one: "Precious Box," "Understand," and "Fantasy." You will then have a definitive, near-complete George Michael collection.
  • This is a great album!

    By melis9973
    I debating for months which "best of" album to buy, now that I have found this one I don't need to want for any other Goerge Michael song.
  • One GREAT Reason!

    By coolbill
    I purchased this album for one reason....the song "As" with Mary J Blige!!! WOW!!! This cut is sooo hot, and the only way to purchase the audio version is by purchasing the entire album. With that said, I love that song and it is a cool duet!! The video is nice too! The remainder of the album is George Michael, and if you like him you will enjoy the CD!
  • Get it!

    By RoseBud17
    Just saw George Michael in San Jose...AMAZING!!! He covered Roxanne and here it is on this extended version of 25. Worth the extra bucks to get all the extras!