By jsoener
This just shows how The Black Keys have changed from early 2000s to 2012.
The song Have Love Will Travel is much better than the Thickfreakness version….
By CDD1963
First things first. This is a great EP. It captures what it is that made The Black Keys great to begin with. That garage rock feel is ever present in songs like "The Moan" and "Heavy Soul".
My one complaint is iTunes labeling of the EP. Why does it say 'Clean?' I didn't here any censorship of explicities or evidence that there were explicities to begin with. iTunes hitting the crack pipe again I guess?
Great tunes
By Bye_Bye_Felicia
Wish they sold the explicit version too. What a bummer. :(
Great Album!!!!!!
By WS73
This is a great 4 track album. I was a little disappointed on their new stuff,but still great stuff. I wish they would go back to their sound on Magic Potion album. In all respect to The Black Keys still an awesome band and any path the decide to take in future albums I will still follow.
I don't know whats wrong with the description... The title track ROCKS
By Cool J Koala
This 4 track collection of the Black Keys is where you'll find some serious rock, blues, and groove. The Moan, the title track, has a riff that just makes my head explode its so good. I have an easy 200 listens to that track, and I jam to it all the time. The rest of the work on here is straight up, cruise with the windows down rock that is perfect on a sunny day. These are the best 4 greenbacks you'll ears will ever enjoy. Highly recommended.
I love this.
By Salty1
I wish their new album sounded this bluesy. I love all there stuff but discovering this is epic.
Thanks Itunes.
A Great Band!!!!
By lala31
The Black Keys are one of a kind!!!
Although some are disappointed with their new release Attacl and Release, you can;t help but love everything this band produces!
I strongly suggest new fans check this EP out. Heavy Soul is one of the best Black Keys songs yet and Have Love Will Travel is a fantastic cover!
The Best Black Keys downloads-
Heavy Soul
You're The One
The Flame
Grown So Ugly
Have Love Will Travel
I Got Mine
heavy stuff
By mv19gc
this is serious heavy blues, it will probably appeal to all serious blues fans, too bad they didnt go in this direction with their album