Awake Live - Josh Groban

Awake Live

Josh Groban

  • Genre: Pop
  • Release Date: 2008-05-02
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 9

  • ℗ 2008 Reprise Records for the U.S. and WEA International Inc. for the world outside the


Title Artist Time
Mai (Live) Josh Groban 4:42
February Song (Live) Josh Groban 5:11
In Her Eyes (Live) Josh Groban 4:55
So She Dances (Live) Josh Groban 5:00
Un Dia Llegara (Live) Josh Groban 4:27
Pearls (Live) Josh Groban 5:54
Weeping (Live) Josh Groban 5:34
Machine (Live) Josh Groban 5:16
Awake (Live) Josh Groban 7:04


  • Amazing!

    By ckvnd
    Love this album! Amazing voice. Went to his concert & his voice is just as amazing in person as it is on his albums!
  • Best Singer on EARTH!!!!!!!!!

    By 708256
    In my opinion, Josh is the most talented artist! I don't understand why people listen to the new teeny bopper crap that's out these days!!! I'm 17, and Josh's music is practicaly all I listen to. Unfortunately, my friends don't agree with my taste...... but who cares! Love ya Josh!!!! You rock!!!!!!! :)
  • amazing!!

    By yeahduude
    i had the luck of going to his concert!!! i bought all of these songs without previewing them!!!! personally i like true artists' tracks when they are live rather when they are studio recorded. they are more raw and well made!
  • Awake is missing some good songs

    By ansoninc
    The video has 21 songs why does the CD only have 9? Where is Lucia's rocking violin number? i will not be buying this CD.
  • Awake Alive

    By bbsharp
    This Album is just awesome. I play it over and over again. I love his voice and his music and band. Thanks Josh!
  • love you josh!!

    By CrissAngelGirl
    i absolutely love josh groban! he is amazing!!! as a teen who loves rock music, i still cant resist him and his voice! saw him in concert and it is amazing how good he sounds live! just like in his CDs!..almost fainted when he came through the audience and held my hand hitting that high note during "in her eyes!!!!"simply amazing!!!
  • I love Josh Groban

    By Athena1492
    I haven't bought this album but I do have the awake album. But I did see Josh in concert twice during his awake tour. And I have to say that it was the best concert I've been too!!! He's soo hot. He puts on one hell of a show. If you love Josh Groban and haven't seen him in concert than you need this album!!! We love you Josh!!!
  • Great but worth buying hard copy (dvd included)

    By soundtrackaddict
    I am thrilled to see yet another GREAT concert album come out for Josh Groban. What I'm disappointed in is the fact that iTunes does not give you the option of the video footage of his concerts. I've bought this and his first "in concert" cd off iTunes. Then I got his "live at the Greek" as a gift. I noticed that all his hard copy live albums come with a dvd of his performance. I feel jipped. Yes the iTunes price is better but I'm missing the video!!!! iTunes should have the dvd (video) component of these cds available for purchase as well. Otherwise, the customers are severly missing out.
  • Kodak Moment...Brings Back Memories...

    By DadTX 68
    Well I went to the Awake concert last March and I was AMAZED! When I heard that they were making a DVD/CD for this concert I was STOKED! I was watching the DVD portion of this set, and it broght back memories. It fit the concert that I went to, infact to a T. Although I did not go to this concert, it was a replica of the one in in NC. So I would HIGHLY recomend this to anyone who did and did not get to go and have this amazing opportunity. To those who have seen it, hopefully it will bring back wonderful memories. To those who were not able to go, you will get the full effect of the concert HANDS DOWN!
  • Incredible!

    By Daasha
    Josh Groban puts on the most fantastic shows brimming with fabulous quality and the most accomplished musicians...but where, oh, where, is Lucia and her "Kashmir?"

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