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Title Artist Time


  • One of the best....tribal bearts galore !

    By Norm in Miami
    His best yet. Chunky Buddha hits the nail on the head. This is what MIAMI and all house heads crave, need and indugle in. This type of mix, this beat, this wave and energy is what possesses us and make us undeniably HOUSE HEADS. Long live house !
  • Best dance album I've heard in awhile!! Keep em coming OscarG!!

    By Sweetie305
    Thanks for this great mix. I can finally hear Oscar mix without all the screaming spaceheads in the background. I love the Saturday nights at Space but its so good to be able to hear the same music at home or in the car without the smoke and craziness of the club. If you haven't heard this dj mix you have to check it out. The track "Miami" is my favorite!!
  • Exelent!

    By HD&G
    One of the best djs out there im addicted to his music i saw him play at space it was sickkk
  • Almost there G,

    By Manny G from da 305
    Nice Trax...305 stand up La Salle Stand Up hahaha Must get for ,us, Pookie Headz !