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Title Artist Time


  • Wow

    By Barton506
    Just wow.
  • WOW- why haven't you done this before???

    By "Joe Piano"
    I have one other Henry Butler album, and to be honest, it's average. This is stunning... I mean this guy hits it on all 8 cylinders. His rendition of Tipitina is off the hook. It's a beautiful combination of gospel, jazz and Fess... It's really brilliant. He really shows what he can do on his own - on this album. If you are a piano player, this is what you want to be when you grow up!!!! The mix on the piano is perfect.
  • Great great great stuff

    By AnonymsFan
    Elegant and graceful New Orleans stuff. Lovely and funky at the same time. I love this guy. He did time with Professor Longhair and then some. Wonderful.