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Title Artist Time


  • Baby I

    By Imluvwither2012
    Da song "Baby I" is the song that should have been released as a single....that song singlehandedly could have saved this album....I love this song
  • Pretty bad

    By Tiffy108
    I got this and was so excited but it's missing something. It may be the lyrics that are lacking but it was to appeal to a different audience. There was no IT song on this album. They all sound the same and without passion. Just my opinion.
  • Production Minimal, but Lyrics are Promising

    By Saisha Kai
    I found this album while searching for new Ken Hirai music, of which (sadly) iTunes sells NONE. I am not a music critic, but I agree that the production is minimal, but it could have been a deliberate choice. I enjoy the lyrics, which sound Japanese in topic and rhythm. Double-check me, but Babyface, K-Ci & JoJo, and Ken Hirai have been working successfully together in some fashion in Japan for years, and I am an avid fan. More research must be done to see if Ken Hirai was on the production team or wrote some of the lyrics (or if K-Ci and JoJo have expressing love through the Japanese songwriting style ^_^), but if he was, I can certainly understand why I love them so much. For what I believe this album is trying to achieve--bringing over a Japanese songwriting style, which IMHO gets points across a little more directly while appearing indirect--doesn't have to be your opinion too lol--I applaud the team. Yay! But...IMHO again, love songs need some level of production and beautiful lyrics in a song that doesn't move me would be more effectively delivered as a rap with an appropriately romantic overlay (if I'm using the correct vocabulary). Thank you K-Ci and JoJo, Babyface, and Ken Hirai for THE FANTASTIC JAPANESE LOVE SONGS!
  • Sound rough

    By Delone
    Had to go and review the info because I thought they were imposters. Found out this is a Japan only release. I'm a dedicated fan and I would be forcing myself to like this. This is coming from a person who truly believes K-Ci's "My Book" album is a slept on classic. Hope they rebound cause most likely I'm buying either way. Kind of like crack, it may be wrong but you smoke it anyways.