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Title Artist Time


  • Pre- Cascada song

    By Joker4lifesk
    Natalie Horler began her musical career by singing in bars and casinos. At 18, she then went on to working with different DJs recording a number of tracks in a studio. This is how she met future bandmembers Manian and Yanou. Her most notable song of her pre-Cascada era is "Piece Of Heaven" as Akira.

    By CascadaFan4Evr
    OMG OMG OMG!!! GO NATALIE!!! This song is AMAZING!! Plus it fits my voice too well, and I'm addicted to singing it! (for all you know, i may be singing it now!)
  • Who is that?

    By sammiegirl1996
    Okay, I know its Cascada's Natalie singing, but who's the girl in the picture? There's no doubt its not Natalie, but I know she got replaced, but with who??
  • wierd......

    By Kai-Lee
    Natalie Horler does sound a lottttt like this gal. Did she take her voice??? yeppppppp i think so. i followed cascada for a really long time 6 and a half yrs man.. ik whats cascada and whats not
  • An ok remake, but the original is better.

    By Liquid-Snake99
    The original "Piece of Heaven" was an actual trance record produced by a group called A Seven back in 2000. It had a lot of trance elements, which this one lacks, it's more of a Euro-Pop record. The singer from the original was also a bit better, she was perfect for it...This 2004 version is commonly mistaken as Cascada's own work, only the singer and 2 of the producers from Akira are from Cascada. So it's not an alias of theirs...while its an ok remake, it totally lost the trance feel from the original; I guess they were aiming for a commercial hit.
  • i luv it

    By paw4292
    actually yes it is Natalie Horter, but not CASCADA. CASCADA is Natalie, DJ Manian, and Yanou. With AKIRA, it's Natalie and different prducers. It's the same with SIRIA.
  • whats up with this girl on the cover soo.. european of them.

    By DreKay
    actually whats reallllly funny is yes we know its cascada and yes it is NATALIE's voice from cascada.. so why Akira? what the heck? and secondly its false advertisement to put this girl on the cover when she is completely not associated with this whole project. But its a european thing Id expect a fake person in a video but the real singer never revealed. Its like nothing to them. but anyway this song is really nice, if you like cascada well this is her and the 2 producers. Also this is a cover song but she does an amazing job as usual :)
  • one thing

    By poke<3
    ok i know cascada really well and i can tell if its her or not form what i read this is bassically cascada and ill tell you it is ok i can tell
  • La De Da Baby!

    By Angel_of_the_Music
    total five for u Akira! WoOt!! when i first heard ur song Piece of heaven, i wanted it bad!! i love it! so i tip my hot haty to u, the new Azmaria Hendrick! (i think i spelled hendrick wrong..:S ) XD
  • it's awesome!

    By Cats And Necromancy
    Cascada was the first dance artist that I found out about, then I started to branch out to other dance artists when I found Akira, Diamond, and Siria. I'm serious! I thought the first time when I heard these songs that I was listening to Cascada, but then I did some further research and found out that she is.