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Title Artist Time


  • are you guys serious?

    By Friendly Fred
    I haven't even listened to this album but i had to respond to my brothers/sisters in the Lord to ask you what are you thinking? Pigeon John is going to hell?! for cussing?! are you serious. I want to say this out of love and hopefully you will take it to heart. If you guys lived in Jesus' time, you would have been one of the ones to call Jesus a blasphemer and you would have rejoiced in His crucifixion. Jesus hung with all people and the sinners loved Him. He was not a sinner. You are judging a man for rapping with unbelievers? if anything, my respect has increased for P.J. Hopefully, i can follow in his footsteps to be more like Jesus by getting out of my Christian bubble and love the world. By the way, what in the world do you think people think when they hear one Christian say that another Christian is going to hell? You are writing this foolishness for the world to see and this is why Christianity has such a bad name. I'm asking you to ask for forgiveness. This is a shame and I apologize to anyone who has been offended by my brothers and sisters' lame comments. Keep it up, Pigeon!
  • Pigeon Is Going To Hell

    By prof. p
    its safe to say that as a good christian you should never curse or you will go to hell. this is bad news for pigeon john. oh well more room for me and my crew up in heaven where pigeon john will only reach in his dreams. awesome
  • Don't Listen to that other guy

    By djstep
    Worth more than one star for sure. This is a damn good album. Pigeon John's track is good, and so is the rest of the album. Pick it up.
  • What? Pigeon John!

    By Of the Hall
    What? Pigeon John in on explicit stuff! Ok I must not know him as I thought I did he broke my heart!!! I thought he was awesome I TOTALLY am CHANGED