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Title Artist Time


  • Luv this song

    By deannv
  • Such a tragedy

    By Elements of Sound
    Whenever I hear this song, I get a tear to my eye. Every bit of this track eminates sadness. If I am feeling down, this is the song to go to. Can hardly wait to hear more from Tiesto's Allure.
  • A_W_E_S_O_M_E

    By TTD7
    Tiesto, Allure ... doesn't matter how you want to call him, HE ROCKS!
  • Tiesto, You Sly, Sly Dog

    By carlab2021
    One of the most well-crafted vocal trance hits ever, but this wasn't really created by an up-and-comer called Allure, as far as I'm concerned. If you thought this song was too good to be from some unknown, then you were right because Allure is one of Tiesto's many aliases, and if you buy the In Search of Sunrise 6 CD, where this song is featured, it lists the composers as Julie Thompson and Tijs Verwest, which is of course Tiesto's real name. When I first found out it was really Tiesto's song, I was shocked, but just listening to the song, you can hear certain bits and pieces that are trademarks in Tiesto's songs and this really has his name all over it.
  • rt

    By terry419
    me encanto esta cancion esta padrisima!!!! wowowowowowow!!!
  • Una Hermosa Cancion

    By djtoqord
    Una vez mas Tiiesto demuestra por que es el mejor DJ del planeta haciendo gala de su capacidad de volver a sus inicios y producir canciones como esta...
  • This is "Tiesto presents Allure"

    By acroboy
    Not to be confused with Allure the 90's girl pop/R&B band that you will see also here on iTunes. Having said that, this is a nice piece of vocal trance, a little on the mellower side, and something to make you look forward to long warm summer days. If you like great stuff like Luminary or poppy stuff like Cascada, you'll definitely like this.
  • Great Song

    By MC Lover
    This is a great club song. This is a must for your going out, house party. This will get everyone moving. At the same time this is a very sad song. The beat in this is almost. I'm glad that Allure is back in the game. Been a long time since they been out of the game. Can't wait until there cd drops