Chocolate and Ice EP - My Morning Jacket

Chocolate and Ice EP

My Morning Jacket

  • Genre: Alternative
  • Release Date: 2002-03-26
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 6

  • ℗ 2002 Badman Recording Co.


Title Artist Time
Can You See the Hard Helmet On My Morning Jacket 3:43
Sooner My Morning Jacket 3:37
Cobra My Morning Jacket 24:12
It's Been a Great 3 or 4 Years My Morning Jacket 4:00
Holy My Morning Jacket 1:59
Sweetheart My Morning Jacket 3:04



    By AmericanBrent
    no brainer it
  • If you buy one song...........

    By darkkhaki
    Make it..... Sooner, this is the first song I heard by this band and altho' they have a different version (the better one actually- a little slower paced) this tune just fits the beach scene on a late afternnon sun really seemed to go with the parasailers, most mmj fans don't talk of this one but it is truly a hidden gem.
  • just listen...

    By oh•vell
    i have found this to be a really great album from a really great band. i know that in the future, when these guys are looked back at while doing their 40th anniversary reunion tours, this is probably an album that will be greatly trivialized as a "minor production" from what was an 'otherwise legendary' band - like led zeppelin's "coda". or pink floyd's "obscured by clouds". or modest mouse's "fruit that ate itself" or "sad sappy sucker". but if you just give it a listen, you will find a great hard-working band, producing some of the most experimental work they'll do for half a decade. and i know tracks like 3 and 4 aren't the most common pop-structured bits, but if you start the album and get through the first two, and then like what you hear at the beginning of cobra, stay with it. that song just grooves(!) and then wanders a bit, and then just goes and goes... it's beautiful. and it's only 5.99! just get it for cryin' out loud.
  • cobra is the best song on the album

    By goskateshaka
    since cobra is 42 mins, you cant just buy the song but just buy the whole album cause it is well worth it, the song has so many elements to it, all you need is some headphones and a dark room and youll be in heaven.

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