Another Great Album~ Thanks Marina!:)
By Tahpenes
This album is a wonderful collection of songs thoughtfully brought together to form the perfect fairytale! Classic and timeless melodies paired with her beautiful voice and lyrics that are uplifting and healing. Marina's music has the ability to appeal to a wide range of listeners, young and old. Her music and lyrics are always positive and very family friendly....Marina V has done it again!
Don't miss Marina V
By DonnaSB
I happened upon Marina V at SoHo in Santa Barbara, CA. Her voice moved me so much that I found myself buying up every CD that she had with her that night. I can't wait for her to come back and bring her garden-like enchantment with her.
A Special Album
By EclecticMix
It's hard to say too many good things about this album. Marina V shows her ability to offer a variet of wonderful tunes, each one having its own special flavor. This is a charming album that you will platy over and over, loving more each time.
Incredible musical journey
By Often and Much
Ludwig Van Beethoven said, "Music is the electrical soul in which the spirit lives, thinks, and invents". Marina V truly embodies this sentiment in all of her musical efforts. Her latest album "Modern Fairytale" offers listeners a wonderful, optimistic, and sometimes introspective musical landscape to explore. Absolutely! download this album! Also take the time to discover her earlier releases.
Marina Rocks!
By BearMeadow
Not only is Marina a beautiful person in/out, but her music continues to bloom with each new song. My favorite on this album is Moonlight Lullaby, but they're all awesome. Don't pass up her music, you'll regret it!! :)
Marina does it again!
By Luke McQuillan
As the proud owner of all of Marina's studio albums, I am always impressed at Marina's consistency. To be able to have the haunting melodies, the catchy hooks, and the amazing performance and production every time around is simply astounding and something that I have not found in any other artist - no matter how hard they try. But Marina V is pure 100 perecent talent. And not only does she always bring those things to the table - but each time around, she's even better than she was before! Such a gift! This album has many standout tracks, my favorites being, "The Strength I need", "Fool", "Fate", and the powerful and driving fairytale, "Rain on the Butterfly". Buy this album and support this amazing independent artist! You won't regret it!
Modern FairyTale is TOTALLY AWESOME
By Vickii
Marina V continues to be an angelic voice to watch (or listen to!). I love this album as much as her others and highly recommend purchasing all of them. She and Nick work so well together creating lyrics and melodies that connect perfectly to Marina's voice and individual style. You won't go wrong with this one!
By Love4all
Another stunning album by Marina V. Mesmerizing lyrics, beats, and powerfully passionate.
You will not be dissapointed!
By ithetwilight
This album is unique, beautiful & amazing... but nothing is as wonderful as seeing this artist live!
Modern Fairytale Shines
By thehuckman
Marina's newest CD is beaming with fresh new tunes. Stand outs for my wife & I include Hope, The Strength I Need and the Album's catchiest hook goes to Sunshine Guaranteed. Marina's music is always filled with passion and creativity and Modern Fairytale is her best album yet. PS...favorite cover so far too.