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Title Artist Time


  • The "blown gameboy speakers" comment is hilarious...

    By ddg6g
    You can't not love "See See".
  • Fantastic!

    By JAH9000
    Don't be misled by the 'game boy speaker' remark. Chris Clark's compositions do not greet the novice ear too easily. They are occasionally deceptively simple, but always truly complex. Clark is producing some of the most astounding and beautiful electronic works presently coming out of Warp, which is a vast field in its own right. This EP is no exception. My only complaint is that the tracks are so short! Clark creates what needs to be heard, even if it's a two-and-a-half minute statement - but it leaves you wishing it was 10. These tracks are beat-heavy, which is a nice turn of pace from his recent abstractions, and he has lost none of the beauty of those more cerebral compositions. What comes in with the beats is more energy. You could spin these tracks or put on the headphones and get lost in them - true 'Intelligent Dance Music'. Highly recommended!
  • Good Music

    By Helix Stark
    I love blowen gameboy speakers and I love this music!
  • Blown Gameboy Speakers

    By HL1982
    is the first thing that See See conjured up in my head. If you enjoyed listening to those cheap, obnoxiously redundant songs filtered thru the blown micro-speaker of your gameboy then these tracks are perfect for you.