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Title Artist Time


  • Mr. Ford's vocals.

    By Jessica 6
    I have no doubt that Colton Ford has a good voice. Some day I would like to hear it. All his music seems to be overproduced, electronically enhanced dance music. Don't get me wrong. I like dance music but I would love to hear him sing a ballad with his vocals untouched.
  • Still My Favorite!

    By DJ Butterboy
    I love his new album, The Way I Am, but "Tug of War" will always be my favorite, for it was the moment I knew not only were some of House's best DJ's going to want to work with him, but that his music career is here to stay! Sorry Haters!
  • LOVE

    By Daved Beck
    I love this CD and I LOVE his voice. The Spirit/Soul shines through this human that is an Angel of light in this World named Colton Ford. Thank you Colton for following your 'Whisper of LOVE' and BEING the Inspiration that YOU are in the World!!! Blessing in LOVE Bestow in a heart of TRUE that is within that you ARE! Daved Beck
  • Um

    By Xymox06
    He may be hot, but he sure can not sing.
  • The Past is the Past and On to the Future of Colton

    By Cornelius-CJ
    I didn't know he was a porn star in the past. I first saw Colton Ford's video in a bar. I was like wow! Who is that, this hot man can sing! And not just sing but he honestly have some soulful vocals. So then I see The Lair and he plays a very good cop! He should've been on Charmed or Buffy during that time. Now to his music! I love his voice. That's Me, Gotta Do, You Ain't Gonna Change, Your Love is Everything are my favorites! I read a comment that the music doesn't comes to the level of his vocal ability and I agree (he should be with Jon Stewart, Pet Shop Boys, Max Martin and Pharell) But for what they have done I do like and it is worth purchasing. Very Good CD That's Me has got to be the song I love the most! And yet a good theme that you are who you are, who cares what people thing... I would love to see him work with some hip producers as mention above. Yet his look and his voice makes u feel like he is singing to you (especially if you like the mature man with soul!!!) Overall good CD!!
  • Alas, a Fail

    By MusicalSheep
    I give him two stars for having the guts to try. He's totally gorgeous, but sadly he lacks skill and his songs all mesh together. Nothing about this album was interesting, nothing was very high quality. I wouldn't buy this.
  • Seriously?

    By guyjincj
    He should stick to what he knows how to do best, porn.
  • Hot, hot, hot disc!

    By Dcat1956
    I first saw/heard the title track, Tug of War at a gay club and was hooked immediately! This is a great dance/pop disc. I would highly recommend this to anyone who is a fan of club music. The video is especially hot!
  • good debut

    By texas47
    when will itunes get the new album undercover glad to see two of coltons videos here now
  • Sex Does Sell

    By DanceMusicNow
    Colton is sexy and Trouble creates that fantasy of what it would be like to be with him. Mike Andrews's music was also featured on Dante's Cove and is now remixed into his Sex Medley. Search You Tube for the super hot video by Rod Daily. Mike Andrews Sex I T U N E S *Ft on Dante's Cove*