Christmas With You
By BigCatDad
I love Rick Springfield and I love this album. My personal favorites are Chirstmas With You and I Saw Three Ships. I am sure this will become my favorite Christmas album.
Christmas with You
By peadot
I am certainly no hater of Rick Springfield. Let's get that out in the open right now. Nonetheless, I'm not yet certain I like this CD 100%. Rick's voice is a bit too raspy for me here, but I admit it will be good for a quiet night, or to accompany a candle lit dinner. Rick's got chops, though, and always deserves to be heard.
Completely Surprised
By MargaritaMixx
I have to say that listening to the clips of this album, I was completely surprised. Rick Springfield's Christmas album is so nice, traditional and relaxing. I just bought it and I cannot wait to play it at my holiday party this year and for Christmas. Thank you Rick for a GREAT album!!!!!!
Season's Greetings from R.S.
By Marlboro Guy
Not at all what one might expect a Rick Springfield holiday album to sound like. An acoustic driven set of mostly traditional and religious holiday standards - as opposed to more lighthearted numbers and novelty tunes with a pop rock feel. Ironically, it is the newly written original title track that stands out the best here. Never really more than a decent at best singer, Rick's vocals here often sound a bit strained and hoarse.
Do you hear what I hear 2?
By JustMe 2
...FYI Rick did his cover album in 2005. It's a little backwards fore-shadowing if you will. If you've heard Imagine on his cover album, you know the voice is gone and how could you expect this one to be better a couple years later. Bless you to the die-hards willing to hang on.
xmas record
By SuperNaturalWhovian
perfection, what else can i say!!
How Fun for us all
By Nicole333
Thanks Rick for making this album! It warms our hearts at Christmas... I thought the songs were beautifully done. Wow, what a great little Christmas present for myself and others.
A Tuneful Treat for Sitting Around the Tree
By adventuretom
I've been listening to Rick for 35 years, since I borrowed my sister's copy of "Beginnings" so that I could play "Hooky Joe" over and over, but I have never heard him this mellow.
This is not a bad thing, as a matter of fact this is an outstanding traditional Christmas album. Perfect for sitting in a dark room with a lit tree and absorbing the magic that is Christmas. I was just surprised on first listen, my wife was even a little taken aback.
It is that mellow.
Rick sounds great despite the naysayers and if you have followed his career a long time, you'll truly enjoy this album.
He does give us a nice surprise as the album ends with Rick on "Surf Guitar" playing a rocking little instrumental. Little Saint Nick indeed.
Great Christmas Album
By walliegirl
This is one of the best Christmas albums I have ever had the pleasure of hearing. Rick's voice, the instrumentals, and the arrangements are wonderful. I listen to every song on this album all of the time and never seem to get tired of it. It's very relaxing and puts me in the holiday spirit.
Excellent Traditional Christmas Album
By JasonMorgan
Rick's first christmas album does not disappoint. His warm, rich voice is a great addition to the christmas genre.