Bret rocks!
By mgzmom
Bret rocks with and without Poison. Love Go that Far.
By lostinlofi
This thing is a joke! It sounds like this tune was recorded in the back of the Rock of Love tour bus bathroom on a Fisher Price tape recorder.
Washed out
By gcayo
Compare his singing in "Every Rose has its Thorn" vs this song. Something happened to his voice. Maybe it's from hooking up with skanks on Rock of Love.
Great Song-But Did You Know?
By comicninja
Just so you all know.... the song was written by a band called Evick; from Richmond, VA., which Bret Michaels fronted during his latest tour.
good head
By great head
bret michaels is such a hottie and believe me he gives amazingly good head
Best song ever!!!!
By Case.0
This song is my new favorite song! Normally im not to fond of new music, it takes me a while to like songs! But from the start i love this song! It also has a great video. Bret Michaels is an awesome rockstar and he rights great songs! U rocked this song Bret!
love this song
By LowDyna
This is one of my favorite guitar hero songs and like that show Rock of Love Keep on rockin
By madonnasucks1.0
this is what i wated to here from bret but he shood have choosed daisy off of rock of love!
Awesome Song Bret!!!
By Cnh14
I think your reality T.V. show is halarous it is so hustarical i watch it every sunday!!! Your music is sooooo awseome ! keep rocking bret!!!!! BUY BRETS MUSIC NOW IT IS AWSEOME!!! Oh and by the way Daisy is your true Rock of LOVE!!! She ROCKS!!!!!
By BackswellColarsby
This is the stalest, grossest piece of garbage ever. No joke.