When music was really music!!!!
By Hosscollar
From a 60 somethin' year old Gapper. This is a true testament for the music that we were fortunate enough to come up with. A time when the Bands actually Played. I'm glad I found this Live! album for I never saw the gap Band in concert. This is the next best thing. For all the so called singers/bands today......They should be required to STUDY this kind of music. Take notes so as this music can be carried over for future Gappers. Don't let it die!!
just.... WOW.
By Crunk Daddy
This concert is absolutely amazing. The first 5 tracks are a left-right-left-right-uppercut combo!! The backup band was all pro, the recording is slick and well produced, the audience was in the spirit, everything is flawless. Listen to "WIDE" to get a taste... it just gets better and better.
One of the very very best live albums in any genre available on iTunes!! You can't listen to it without standing up and wanting to dance!
Fantastic Reissue
By Tripodboomstand
The recordings on this CD is from a CD I had called "Live and Well". You can't find that CD anymore. If you listen close you will hear Charlie Wilson say "ATLANTA" many times.I have some of the songs on my ipod. Someone stoled my CD so now I must download the songs I did not have on my ipod. Its one of the best live recordings of all time. If you never been to a Gap Band Concert then this is the next best thing. But if they do a final tour in your city you need to be there. In a time when good live bands are rare to see, this is among the best in history!
This Joint is Off Da' Hook!
By Sweet Ginger
The Gap Band put you front and center row with this release.. If you don't feel like you are at the show with the Gap Band, then something is wrong with you.
Back when music was music
By Elijah101st
This a must have album for the waaaay more "mature" audience. My favorites are burn rubber,gotta get up, drop the bomb, and yearning for your love.