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Title Artist Time


  • Art in it's Highest form

    By RHU2
    Music on this level is difficult to describe, in a word. Exquisite. Towner, Moore, Mcandless are at the top of there game. Mark walker the latest member is wonderful. They raised the bar of what it means to be Musical, articulant and expresive using all there extensive technique and Imaginative ability. It is hard to find this level of composition and interplay among the most noted Musicians which makes this all the more satisfying. While music can certainly be qualified by personal preference. Music on this level is just unfortunately, uncommon.
  • Ehhhh. . .not so great.

    By Ihearteclectic
    Maybe you have to be a true aficianado of this kind of jazz. I don't even know how to classify it. I bought the CD because I really like the track The Bactrian, which I had heard on our local jazz station, KMHD. When I put it on my iPod, though, I only included 6 tracks: From a Dream, 1000 Km, Bayonne, Paraglide, and 1000Km (Reprise), and of course, The Bactrian. The rest is that kind of jazz that is so disjointed and tuneless, I get frazzled listening to it. I admit to my ignorance; is this what they call "progressive jazz"? Whatever, even time will not produce appreciation. I have since learned that you can hear snippets (30 seconds worth) of songs before committing to buy. That's good to know.