By Jhang394
I loved her first is my favorite track on here! It will be played at my wedding as the father and daughter dance 😭😭😭😭
By The Joan Tan
I loved her first
By 1MightyDee
Chose " I loved her first" to dance with my daughter at her wedding, she took my breath away she was so beautiful!
I Loved Her First
By The Commish- Cheltenham
How could one not pick this song for the song to use with your Daugherty on her wedding day.......It hits you right to your heart.....
I really like this song!!!!!
I Loved Her First
By inwaryzero
This song turns my stomach every time I bump into it on the radio. It confuses/combines parental and marital love. The daughter's love is not something that is given away by the father; he does not own her or her love. The daughter will have many significant "firsts" and each unique in its own way. A daughter can and should love her father BUT a daughter can simultaneously AND just as importantly love her husband-to-be. I do not understand the significance of the father being "her first" in this song; it makes him sound insecure and possessive. And creepy.
i loveeeeee
By countryluvr217
i love the song boys like us. you can totally relate to it unlike some really stereotypical songs
I loved her first
By Lilturtlebug
My dad and I were never close but I had a friend play this song at my wedding september 2007 and my dad teared up. It's something I have seen him do only a handful of times. It's something I will treasure forever.
love it!
By maggiemootink
I absolutely LOVE the song I loved her first! I just heard it for the first time the other day! And fell in love with it! it is SOOOOOOOOOO sweet!
I loved her first
By yokota85
played at my doughters wedding for the Father Doughter dance,, wow not a dry eye in the place. including mine. the song say's it all.
i loved her first
By Naptown cutie
really good cd and the song i loved her first will be the perfect song for a father daughter dance!!!!