Sound Theories, Vols. 1 & 2 (Live) - Steve Vai

Sound Theories, Vols. 1 & 2 (Live)

Steve Vai

  • Genre: Rock
  • Release Date: 2007-06-26
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 17



Title Artist Time
Kill the Guy with the Ball (Li Steve Vai 4:30
The God Eaters (Live) Steve Vai 2:09
The Murder Prologue (Live) Steve Vai 1:09
The Murder (Live) Steve Vai 7:56
Gentle Ways (Live) Steve Vai 5:48
Answers (Live) Steve Vai 5:44
I'm Becoming (Live) Steve Vai 2:20
Salamanders In the Sun (Live) Steve Vai 5:05
Liberty (Live) Steve Vai 2:06
The Attitude Song (Live) Steve Vai 4:37
For the Love of God (Live) Steve Vai 9:35
Shadows and... (Live) Steve Vai 8:41
Sparks (Live) Steve Vai 9:27
Frangelica, Pt. 1 (Live) Steve Vai 3:04
Frangelica, Pt. 2 (Live) Steve Vai 10:30
Helios and Vesta (Live) Steve Vai 8:19
Bledsoe Bluvd (Live) Steve Vai 10:08


  • When's 'Real Illusions' Part 2 coming out?

    By Mohaski
    As a composer and as a vocalist, Steve Vai is a great guitarist; he should stick to the latter activity. Disc 1 of this album comsists of tunes from his back catalog tarted up with orchestration, and Disc 2 consists entirely of orchestral music composed by Vai and performed the Metropole Orkest, with no guitaristic participation by Vai at all. As such, Disc 2 is entirely unlistenable- I buy Steve Vai albums because I enjoy his guitar playing, not because I am a fan of obscure european TV orchestras...
  • Been a long time Fan but feels like I've rediscovered him.

    By Will Clark
    There are no words.
  • Huge Disappointment

    By lildrummerboy275
    While Steve Vai shows he's an awesome guitarist, this album is very disappointing. The songs are written poorly, and whoever wrote the symphonic parts did a very POOR job. Too much dissonance. This is a good example of someone who can shred lightning-speed, but can not write a good song. I'm a huge Vai fan, but I highly recommend passing on this album.
  • We Always Knew He Had It In Him...

    By CAS
    Those of us who bought Passion & Warfare the moment it was released (and wore out the CD and our college roommates' patience listening to it over and over again) already knew Steve was a great composer. The emotional rollercoaster ride he takes you on is always exhilerating, and I'm so pleased to see this release. The orchestral arrangement of Bledsoe Boulevard is glorious -- and I still love the original from way back when. I hope he gets some movie deals now 'cuz Vai could stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Elfman any day. This is a work of beauty -- and the best, I hope, is yet to come!
  • Vai the Renaissance Man.

    By DharmaLogos
    CD 1: Live performances of several classic Vai songs including "The Attitude Song" and "For the Love of God" (which happens to be my all-time favorite rock song). CD 2: Classical/orchestral pieces composed by Steve and performed live. Steve did not play guitar on these pices, but he did write them. Vai has long been considered one of the greatest (if not the greatest) living rock guitarists. Now add him to the list of the most relevent modern composers.
  • Best Vai album

    By jem20th
    This album is definetely the best of steve vai. I love all the orchestra work and the older songs. I just saw him in September, great show!
  • WOW!

    By camarojnation
    Anyone that would give this or any other album by Steve Vai less than 5 stars is out of their mind!
  • Steve Vai is GOD.

    By ESMKatrina
    He is an epic genius of epic proportions.
  • Unreal . . .

    By kryp2o
    This may be the greatest CD ever made . . . The layers, textures, melodies, i'm speechless.
  • Astounding!

    By justin6string
    This album gave me chills all the way through. The orchestral versions of some of these songs sound better than the original, Kill the Guy With the Ball for example. The rest of the compositions are just amazing, all in a style that it uniquely Vai. But what do you expect from Zappa's "Stunt Guitarist?"

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