Don't like It!!!!
By Juile Pinello
I hate it. This has horrible music I am never listening to this again!
By LizzleLi
This is my favorite album from her. I love every song listed on this album!!
By Pink is epic
I love this album, it's too awesome! Make sure to get there you go and can't take me home!! Love it!
By Lightningkitty🐱⚡
This is DEFINETELY NOT P!nk's best album, but some of the songs on it make you think. I like Funhouse better than this one.
But still, P!nk for all eternity.
Awesome.. The Real p!nk
By Blizzle90
Takes me back to my first n*sync concert, when she, and sysco opened for them in Atlanta no strings attached tour 01. :D This is by far my favorite pink album, she was much more deep, and r&b like, I like this sound better than all her other/new stuff, I think this is the real* pink! :D
Doesn't sound like pink
By Us:8oz
This sounds more like no doubt not pink. It's ok but she has better songs. But I love there u go. I couldn't stop listening to it when I 1st heard it.
By MalibuRae
I definitely miss this P¡nk. This is the only album I like by her. I remember listening to this cd on a portable CD player before iPods existed and I loved it! Miss this music from her for sure.
Look at the release date
By ATP346
This is her oldest alum so look at the release date before you say you want the old P!nk back
The best of both worlds
By shonnie78
This is and was her best r&b album . Her other album after this one was just to prove that she can mix it up and she is still going strong I would love for her to put out one more pop ,R&B album she has a new song out with T I . It nice check it out.
By MissMoreno1981
This album came out when I was 17 and this was how we perceived pink to b...but this is the only album that she has released that has this R&B sound because her label wanted this to be her style yet it wasn't how she felt her music should sound or be represented. It was her label that wanted to push her to be. That is why her album after this was titles missunderstood. This album is good but it's not the real pink we have grown to love.