Hawaiiana - Tia Carrere


Tia Carrere

  • Genre: Worldwide
  • Release Date: 2007-06-19
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 11

  • ℗ 2007 Daniel Ho Creations


Title Artist Time
Aloha Oe Tia Carrere 3:49
Kuu Ipo I Ka Hee Pue One Tia Carrere 4:11
Hiilawe Tia Carrere 2:51
Po Lai e (Silent Night) Tia Carrere 3:54


  • Very relaxing

    By OverRatedMD
    Soulful rendition of “I’ll remember you” and “Aloha oe”. Very good album all around.
  • It's ok

    By thebig15
    but i say she is WAAY better singing things like Why Ya Wanna Break My Heart from Waynes World... that was GOOD
  • Un-Grammy Worthy

    By inoa'ole
    Can someone tell me why the HELL she won a GRAMMY for this piece of... Thereʻs not a single word in Hawaiian or English for what this is. DO NOT waste your money on this. This is far from authentic Hawaiian music, and her pronunciation will spread like a disease if people keep buying this. (Just listen to Hi'ilawe. AUE!!!) My ears are already bleeding from all the haoles who think they know everything and can pronounce everything correctly (ever heard them say Ka-me-uh-me-ua and Ka-lani-ani-yoli?) 'Aue! Shame on a local girl to pronounce words like that! And for that to win a Grammy! 'Aue no ho'i e!!!! For the sake of a dying out culture, spend your money on something else. How about the album 'Ke 'Ala Beauty' by Na Palapalai? That's some true contemporary Hawaiian music. And if you're looking for the original vintage music that RHIATEA thinks she sings, just buy the originals artists like Lena Machado "U'ilani etc." and John K. Almeida (a manaleo himself), and I could go on forever about others. Just please do the Hawaiians a favor and stop spreading this around keh? But if you really cannot resist, at least listen to the ORIGINAL recordings of the songs Tia is singing, by the original artists. Those are the real deal. By the way, I have to say nice work Daniel on da slack key :)
  • Hawaiiana

    By Aloha Dave
    Awsome! I remember spending summers at the Tahitian Terrance. This song brings me right back to 1984. One of the best renditions I've heard.
  • Gorgeous voice, gorgeous playing

    By SFMalletman
    I'll Remember You is one of my favorite tunes of all time, and Tia's arrangement is beautiful. Kudos to the uke/guitarist!
  • Like Butter

    By Doug Bob
    I just do not understand these rant about Tia's Hawaiian pronunciation... She sounds straight out of Hawaiian class to me. Far better than peeps around me who were born and raised in HI and never left the rock, but don't know 'ae from 'a'ole. Do you KAH pia LA ni instead of ka PI ' oh luhni?
  • Maybe it's just not my thing...

    By Moananui
    Tia has an okay voice, and she's inarguably beautiful, but I don't think that singing in Hawaiian is her calling. Stylistically, it's not my thing; I can appreciate her effort, but the production is too slick, her vocal style a little too affected, and she doesn't seem to be singing this material with much possession. What's more, I question her proficiency in the Hawaiian language; one listen to her rendition of Hi'ilawe - a personal favorite - turned mellifluous verse into plasticky, grating ordeal. My feeling is that she is trying hard to find her style and voice as an artist, and has settled on Hawaiian music because she happens to have once lived in Hawai'i and also because, to non-local ears, she can make her album "Hawaiiana" can sound convincing and atmospheric. The best of Tia's contemporaries - Ra'iatea Helm, for instance - manage to effortlessly combine their formidable vocal chops with classic material and modern production, the result of which is music shot-through with immediacy and authenticity, precisely the two qualities missing in this album.
  • Pupu Hinuhinu

    By Captain Brian
    You know folks, I new and loved Auntie Nona and have sat and listened to her sing Pupu Hinuhinu for us on at least a dozen occasions. She was filled with more Aloha than any human being on earth and there is no way that she would have ever said a negative thing about Tia singing her song. She certainly enjoyed having us sing her song along with her during kanikapila and all she said was 'maika'i no, maika'i no'!
  • Hawaiiana by Tia Carrere

    By Sonscott
    Not every singer can sing Hawaiian well. Locals like to hear a special "spirit" present in the voice that evokes the heart of the singer. Tia does it superbly. Best song on the album; Pua Olena written by James Kaholokula. Tia, we know where your heart is, and it's in your music.
  • Hawaiiana

    By Ukelela
    What a beautiful, charming CD. I can actually hear the lyrics. Tia's voice is like a breath of fresh tropical air. I will surely be singing He Aloha Mele to our new baby arriving this year. I'll Remember You reminds me of my mother and I can't wait for her to hear Tia's version. This album takes my breath away. I am so thrilled Tia took the time to record this and thank God for her inspiration.

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