By Banabee5
I listen to this album on repeat. I was introduced to this particular album in the mid 90's as a young teen. I fell in love. It's relaxing and enchanting. I definitely would recommend to my friends. One Mans Dream is my favorite. Have a listen! ❤️
By Ashley32068
I personally love his music it is amazing. Even though im eh.... 12 its awesome.... I shall play this song someday i have the piano music book that has these songs to play
Best Yanni Album
By Sunshinegiant75
Hands down the best Yanni Album. I truly love this one. It's a must have.
Completely in love with this album
By siangel07
I have been listening to this album since i was a kid (for about 30 years) it reminds me of my grandmother and being at her house. I bought the disc on CD but lost it so i purchased it again on iTunes so i will never lose it again.
Wrong Release Date
By Whiteknightok
I hope the incorrect release date hasn't hurt the sales of this record. It was released in 1993l
I will never forget you, Yanni.
By ThorLoki21
I love listening to Yanni. He's the best piano artist ever! His songs help me to calm down when I'm angry, sleep when I need to, and become peaceful. He's amazing. I will never forget you as long as I live, Yanni.
Love it!
By Redsparkles549
When I was 15 I used to have a stretching class before ballet and this was always played in the background, that was 10 years ago and I still adore this album great music, very relaxing one of my favorites!
By Spiderphins
I'm 37 now, I've had this CD since college, and I still listen to it regularly. This is beautiful music, plain and simple. Whether you're looking for something to fall asleep with, study by, relax to, or as a daydream companion this album will do the trick. Every song is top notch. A must have.
Love it!
By Trisarahtops098
I listened to this song when I was a baby. I grew up with it and still love it! I have memorized every note in each song and the order they are played in. Strangely, this album is the only yanni album I like. All the other ones sound weird to me. Beautiful!
By ~kp2~
I'm 20 years old and I grew up listening to Yanni. This will always be my favorite album by Yanni..... The best.....