One of her best
By missclimpson
This is one of her best albums. Go buy the CD to get the whole thing. You won't be sorry.
Love's Been Rough on Me
By Agugil
Remarkable that I Tunes has not put this out as a full album. This album shows Etta's incredible versatality and her ability to call up her own personal struggles and express them in such an enduring and powerful manner.
Love's Been Rough On Me
By Seabiscuit3
This album is awesome! If you are in love or out of love this is an album to buy...go to the store and get it. I first heard Etta over 10 years ago and to this day I still listen to her. Powerful, touching, unbelievable!!!! The song this album is named after "Love's been rough on me" is absolutely heartbreak in words and speaks how we all feel when love is lost!!! Too bad iTunes does not have the complete album because it would save you a trip to the store...
Understated and filled with emotion...
By SweetMusicMan
Etta James may have lost a bit of the power that was so evident in her youth, but it serves her well in this rendition of the Otis Redding tune, "I've Been Lovin' You Too Long." Her sorrowful, almost melancholy, low-key performance befits the loss felt. The horns remind one of the fabulous Markeys version of this song. A great contrast to the all-time standard set by Otis himself.