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Title Artist Time


  • Specifically The BMW-Chosen track

    By Mparekh77
    A few years ago, BMW released a series of short films directed by famous directors, one of them being Ang Lee. His film was called Chosen. And the music for this track is the 8:39 that is brilliantly put in here. I accidentally ran into this today. Great stuff.
  • Lush Music but not a Seamless Listen

    By hobo66
    The music is gorgeous; however, attempting to listen to this as a cohesive score is frustrating. Many of the songs seem to end too quickly. They are long enough to create a mood while complimenting a film scene. Listened to sans film the score comes across as a choppy collection of short ditties. It wasn't until I got to the last two tracks (one is over nine minutes, the other over eight minutes) that I was able to relax into the tunes. I bought this soundtrack because I love what it adds to the film. I also bought it as a soundtrack for studying. The short songs results in a constant starting and stopping of tunes which I find frustrating. It also makes studying difficult.
  • Brilliant score!

    By Shiny Happy Punk
    I'm a huge fan of the book (by Rick Moody), the Ang Lee film & this, Mychael Danna's brilliant score. Haunting, minimalist, absolutely beautiful music here (the clips don't do it justice). One question though; what's with the 'Bmw-chosen' track? This piece of music, while clearly impressive, has absolutely nothing to do with the film. Does anybody out there know why this was included...?