great album! but where's Life Is Full Of Possibilities!?!
By danoshames
Life Is Full Of Possibilities is the best album ever. and it's not on itunes!! :( come on!! but still this album is fantastic.
Um, excuse me.
By Senor Coolguy
Hey, this is just something I'd like all of you guys complaining about "static" OR writing "It sounds bad stupid doesn't deserve to be on iTunes" without explaining your opinions to do; DON'T LISTEN TO GLITCH OR EXPERIMENTAL OR BREAKCORE OR WHATEVER IF YOU DISLIKE IT SO MUCH. IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANYTHING MEANINGFUL TO CONTRIBUTE, THEN JUST SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO SOMETHING ELSE, DON'T WHINE ABOUT THE FACT THAT YOU DON'T LIKE THIS KIND OF MUSIC. As for those few who actually provided decent reasons for not liking this album, thank you for writing actual reviews. Personally, I thought this album was some pretty great glitch music. Not his best album, but still a nice listen.
By drummerkid77
I love this album. It's a great change from his last album. And for all those people who think some of the songs have "static" in them, it's a technique called glitching. If Jimmy Tamberello didn't use glitching, his music would never be the same. (This Is) the dream of evan and chan would be crap. There would be nothing in the song. I think this is a great album.
Even Better!
By smi1ey
I loved the airy and slow ambient sounds of his debute album, but Tamborello really outdid himself in this one! I'm loving almost every single track, and they flow together like water! I'm enjoying the higher tempos and more evident hooks in these songs. :)
By Cause someone took it Purd
This album is amazing. do you like the reverse effect?
Jimmy Tamborello is an absolute genius....
By Tinytiger108
All of his projects are fantastic and I'm always happy when I see him releaseing new music
Times Change.
By DigitalPlanesInADigitalSky
Its funny, cause when I first bought this album back when it came out in 07, people were complaining about how it sounded nothing like the last album. Others even detered consumers from buying it. I fell in love with Breakfast in Bed and I'm glad everyone likes the album
Pop songs for those who hate pop songs!
By dustspirit
Every review of this CD seems to mention The Postal Service (except for a few that are just so ignorant they should be dismissed outright). While I do see elements of TPS in this work it's more disjointed and erratic but at the same time more beautiful.
To me the music feels more like the undercurrent of emotion rather than a blatant slap in the face of "you will feel THIS way!"
A pretty good collection of songs - shows great promise of things to come.
Rock my boat indeed.
Great Album
By Sayitaintjonas
My only complaint is that it is a little short, but that's just because it left me wanting more.
By chai.tea
I'm really kinda sorry I bought this. It just goes to show how insufficient 30 second clips are. I'm sorry but it just seems sorta contrived, too deliberately "different". I guess that's all to say it's just not what I thought it was going to be. But there are plenty of you guys out there who would love it
I'm sure.