Love their music - want more!
By HobbitFootAussie
I really just love their voices and their harmony.
By snowball12
I heard them in concert, it was heart melting beauty, love the song -you call me yours, listen to it!
luv it
By (>")> <("<)
thie album is wonderful and i love the song you call me yours, but you really should think about having it instramental too, because if your fans like the origanal, they might like singing it in thier own voice too, trying to match it up the same way you guys do it.... but love all your songs , good choice
By pkerr322
I've heard this song on WCRF several times, but I it was the other day that I actually listened to the words. This song is absolutely "BEAUTIFUL." Great job ladies!
as a dad I gotta say this rocks
By stu dent
my favorite is # 10 - now let's see what my girls think.
By guardyanangel
I was blessed to hear Rachel sing "You Call Me Yours" in the Revolve Tour and am so glad I can buy it from here! If you're having a really hard time in life or you just feel down, "You Call Me Yours" is the perfect song to remind you that there is always Someone Up There who's watching out for you.
u guys aare amazingly awsom
By Timmayisdagolfer
their pitchis perfect...their tone quality is of the highest calibur...they put micheal bolton to shame even though they rock an they are really good and i like them alot... they rock...hi timmy whats upp brother
So beautiful!
By jesusfreak_14
The song "You Call Me Yours" is so beautiful! I heard Rachel Hockett sing it at the revolve tour and it is so powerful! it's a great song! buy it!
By Imtheclay
I heard Rachel sing "You Call Me Yours" live on the Revolve Tour. By the end I had tears in my eyes and I had goose bumps (the good kind.) This song is gorgeous, everyone is sure to love it. Thank you so much so singing this girls!
By olk#1
these 3 are amazing singers! i love the songs