
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • (:

    By John:::::..;;::;)$;)(
  • Where is blow?

    By S.O.A.D. 101
    Why is blow not on iTunes and if it is what album because I thought it was this one?
  • wakarusa? bassnectar? i think yes.

    By LevineRM
    I never knew much about Bassnectar until I saw him play at Wakarusa this past summer in Arkansas. It was a mind blowing experience. The tents, the lights, the sounds. Everything was perfect. This one experience has made me a HUGE fan and makes me wonder why I never looked into him in the past. Check out Bassnectar at Wakarusa 2011!!!!
  • DANG

    By Jen Negrea
    I feel like I've discovered jesus for the first time. They rock.
  • Wheres the other albums????????????????

    By kcilconer
    his new stuff is good but weres Mesmerizing the Ultra?? and Motions of Mutation, freakbeat for the beatfreaks and Breakbeat Bohemia???? those are his danker albums
  • Sick Album

    By U2LOTR
    Simply put, Bassnectar has set the standard for electronic
  • Best stuff to

    By m00ris0n fan...
    Smoke to but i wouldn't know because Marijuana is an illegal drug that deteriorates the mind's of the innocent and breaks down our society institution by insitution HA! riiiiight
  • The bees knees

    By Athensdub
    Lorin did it again. This album really does bomb the blocks with catchy-wobbley- driving basslines, trippy sounscapes, and very dancabable beats. If you ever get to see the spectacle that is bassnectar live, i highly advise. Spread it, live it, love it
  • Rocked My Face Off

    By retro42
    This album had me from track one to the end. Every song has a unique feel to it and I strongly recommend this album to Bassnectar fans and music listeners alike. My favorite songs are "Kyrian Bee Bop" and "Carried Away" as well as the rest of the album... Haha! Buy it! Support Bassnectar!!!
  • Wow

    By mrcool240
    Once I listened to track 3 "Bomb Tha Blocks" preview-- I was hooked