Loved them
By bzhbca
Thought they were great, but now think Matt and his wife are so full of theirselves, it's a turn off for me. And I'm bummed, because I was hooked before.
By Trust and Us
By DonAngel89
One of the greatest albums of all time! This album is perfect
One of the Best of its Time
By danpolov
Having first heard this album in my early 30's, I've never quite had an album that quite spoke to me and the existential crises that some men go through prior to middle age. The music just seemed so relevant to my generation. Working a job, self-importance, accepting your place in the world, liking your place in the world, missing friends, finding love, keeping love, losing love, trying to understand oneself...this album speaks to it all. And does so with brilliantly written and executed musical score. The little subtle notes, the lyrics, the baritone will all haunt you and you'll ask for more. Even one of the bonus tracks, Blank Slate, has such eloquent guitar and bass you'll wonder why it's not on the regular release. But having a listen to that will tell you why: it's a brilliant album as it is.
This album...
By Chesseton
This album reminds me of up-state NY, not sure why, never will. This group is one of my favorite bands of all time. They manage to provide a whole different type of alternative from anything I've ever heard, and is certainly the best. I think the three best songs are fake empire, Slow show and gospel.
What a great Album
By litespeed6
Get a great set of headphones and listen to the layered depth. What a great album.
By kriscia contreras
Absolutely love them
By geismaka
Matt Berninger's voice is amazing, and the songs are amazingly planned.
By Pretty much amazing!!
This album makes me cry
By joshMrNovember
This is the album you listen to during a solo drive on a late-fall night. It's moody, it's haunting and just flat out one of the best albums of the past few years.