iTunes NEEDS to put on the Amazing original
By Absinthespade
The original by Rachel Stevens is by FAR superior than this attempt. It has better musical production by the amazing Richard X and Rachel's sultry vocals along with Hannah Robinson providing back up vocals.
Ms. Henri's vocals are not "amazing" or anything spectacular, in fact I heard better vocals in a karaoke bar. I will give credit to talent only IF I talent is actually there. The main criminal here are the producers, they fail at creating a danceable, repeatable AND original track which the original song was (and then some). Yes, I did attempt to leave my prejudices at the door but when I previewed each track I immediately thought: Why on earth was this permitted to be released and knew I was correct in thinking this was a horrible cover.
Bottom line: Folks save your money for when iTunes gets the original by Rachel Stevens, you'll see how superior it truly is.
Much better than the original!
By Greskovic
Rachel Stevens version of Some Girls sounds manufactured compared to Henri's version. Henri can actually sing! Not only that, I can help but want to dance to Henri's Some girls. Rachels is just background to me. Her's just doesn't grab my attention compared to Henri's. This song is a winner!!
Henri gives the groove
By AznPryd4Lyf
I can imagine this music being heard in raves, parties, and the like. The edge each song gives is pretty inventive, and can be a great addition to anybody's dance list. Even if this were originally created by Rachel Stevens, wouldn't ya think that it its worth giving credit to Ms. Henri for a jive-y remix?
Great tune! If you don't love it there is definitely something wrong with you. I also checked out her song "When You Walk Away" and her vocals blew me away. Henri has an incredible range and cool style. Highly recommended.
Great Remix! Better than the orignial.
I really love the remake of Henri's "Some Girls" As a matter of fact I think her version is better than the original by Rachel Stevens. Henri's stylistic vocals really brings the song to life. I'm looking forward to hear more songs from her and can't wait til her album comes out.
Uh Sorry Folks but i have to disagree here
By j542
Henri's vocal's are incredible. There is a huge amount of potential there and we are only seeing the beginning. People definitely need to give her a listen! Looking forward to more!
By bday78
Do not buy this song. This is a horrible remake of the Rachel Stevens song. Rachel's version was released in 2004. Do yourself a favor and try to buy a copy of Rachel's CD. Some Girls is feature on both Funky Dory [re-release version] and Come and Get It. Rachel has not got the exposure she deserves here in the U.S. Henri's version is just a pale, sad, pathetic imitation. LONG LIVE RACHEL!!!
Unoriginal remake
By mrmacdnyc
Rachel Stevens originated this song a few years back, and her version is head-and-shoulders above this lame remake. Stevens began her career as one of the members of "S Club 7"; her first solo release contained this song and remixes were available on 3 different CD singles. If at all interested in this tune, seek out her original and remixed versions because they're substantially better.