
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • Very Good to Listen to

    By princessfairymermaid
    This is a good album to listen to when you sleep. You will hear some beautiful music from Japan when you sleep. This album will take your mind off the scray and stressful things you are thinking of. So buy one or two of these songs to listen to when you sleep.
  • One of the best!!

    By nat678
    I have a HUGE library of new age/spa/zen music and this just continues to be one of the most original and stirring albums I have ever heard. It's relaxing without being dull; far from it, I have never heard anything like it yet. Everytime someone hears it for the first time, they ask for me to make them a copy. You just won't regret this buy.
  • Excellent for creating a relaxing mood

    By Purple Violet
    I've been looking for an album like this for a while. Definitely unique. I use this for background music while working on stressful work for school. I find that it really does help ease the stress... This is also great music to listen to to unwind from a hectic day. Good to set the tone for sleep, too.
  • Who did the review for this album.

    By ~breathe~
    Was this review supposed to make me want to purchase this album. The writer, though commenting with supposed knowledge in his or her field, has nothing positive or zen-like to offer by way of opinion. Perhaps they could use a little training in the achievement of Zen...? Breathe......in......out.....
  • arizonapathfinder.

    By Az pathfinder
    The arizona life style feeds this music stars over arizona is a cool song.Gary as done a nice job with this album.
  • wow

    By Supermudle
    so relaxing