Anjunabeats: Vol. 1 - Above & Beyond

Anjunabeats: Vol. 1

Above & Beyond

  • Genre: Dance
  • Release Date: 2003-10-13
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 13

  • ℗ 2003 Anjunabeats


Title Artist Time
Far from In Love Above & Beyond 6:01
Razorfish (Above & Beyond's Pr Tranquility Base 6:57
Rush (Super8 Vz. Orkidea Mix) Aalto 6:36
Epic (Above & Beyond Remix) Rusch 7 Murray 6:15
Albinoni (Above & Beyond Opera Rollerball 5:18
Remember (Summer Sun) Pos 6:01
Volume One (Anjuna Deep Mix) Anjunabeats 5:20
Sky Falls Down (Armin Van Buur OceanLab 7:53
Time to Die (Seraque Remix) Nitromethane 5:20
M (Above & Beyond Typhoon Dub) Ayu 5:47
Day One (Above & Beyond's Big Matt Hardwick & Smith & Pledger 5:20
Beautiful Together (Signum Rem OceanLab 5:53
Anjunabeats: Vol. 1 (Mixed By Various Artists 19:35


  • La mejor etiqueta de musica trance

    By Alexjesus44
    Sin duda alguna este album fue el comienzo de la gran evolucion de la danza trance europea. Un disco ampliamente recomendable, que puedo decir de la etiqueta anjunabeats todos sus volumenes son impresionantes, distintos los unos con los otros que genialidad.... Anjunabeats Anjunadeep Anjunaworlwide Sin duda alguna las mejores etiquetas hasta el momento... Ampliamente recomendables. 5🌟 🇬🇧 NICE!!!!
  • High Energy.........AHHH

    By Long Beach CA Guy
    Turn far from in love on full blast with head phones...........High. It will blow you away. Great energy to get you moving. Above & Beyond fan from Long Beach,Calif 3-27-12
  • Albinoni (Above & Beyond Opera Mix)

    By Gnarllie
    For fans of the Albinoni track 5 be advised that this is the REAL "Above & Beyond Opera Mix" version. The one of the same name on "Melodic Trance 01" is not the same version and possibly even mislabeled.
  • Get Anjunabeats Vol. 7 in the U.S. store!!!!!!!!!

    By Cyborg Justice
    The trance collection in this store is subpar to say the least and you are losing buisness beacuse of it.
  • this cd is happening

    By mrock 2009
    not much into techno, but it do like to listen to it when I'm working on building sites and it comes to crunch time. This cd does it for me...
  • Best Anjunabeats compilation

    By forthelulz13
    My favorite Anjunabeats comp. Amazing mixing, great song selection, and choice trance selections. Make sure you get "What It Feels Like for a Girl (A&B 12" Club mix)" by Madonna, which isnt on the itunes version. It's one of the best remixes ever in the history of electronica
  • Bamaclif

    By Bamaclif
    The mix of Madonna's "What it Feels Like for a Girl" is actually on this CD. Start the CD off at track #13. It is the entire CD beginning with the Madonna song. It was a nice surprise for me when I realized it.
  • Madonna's a stickler...

    By Atreeknows
    I guess Above & Beyond didn't get Madonna permission to use their remix of her song on the digital release: when this album was originally released on CD, it began with the Above & Beyond 12" Club Mix of Madonna's "What It Feels Like For A Girl", pretty much the remix that put them on the map in the first place. Madonna's an unbudging business woman, guess she saw this release as a threat to her own profit. Regardless, this is quite possibly one of the most perfect trance compilations ever, every single track stands on its own, and so many of these have gone on to be considered modern classics.
  • Very nice

    By antares69
    All in all a very good album. The tracks are well mixed (to answer PSchiano's question: yes). My personal favorite is Albinoni. While the original classical track is much slower, and Tiesto's version (The song Athena from the album Parade of the athletes) is good, this version is outstanding. The album gets a bit boring toward the end. Madonna's missing song "What it feels like" starts track 13. Everyone who wants it, can just cut it out, i guess...
  • Is this mixed or full tracks?

    By PSchiano
    Can anyone tell me if the tracks on this album are mixed into each other or just the full version of the song (like anjunabeats 4). I hate unmixed albums, and I'm already upset this is missing the 1st madonna track. Alas, nowhere else to buy this.