Classic album and cover
By joechgo1
The cover is iconic and synonomous with Hall & Oates bursting on the scene in 1975 due to the beautiful song, "Sara Smile." At the same time, disc jockeys began playing "She's Gone," which, originally seemed to have been overlooked, at the same time. The rest is history. But to say this is one of the worst album covers of all time is totally wrong and kind of insulting since it is one of the very best album covers of all times. I was there. I had the vinyl album. I have the CD. It's one of my most favorite covers and it signifies 1975 very aptly. Every Hall & Oastes album is loaded with good songs; not just the hits you are accustomed to.
By megaunclerico
I have this album on cassette, its worth the 10 bucks to get it here too. Awesome!
Don't the album cover deceive
By D-man1987
Yes the album cover is probably in the top 20 worst of all time in album covers but the is a great album. Hall and Oates are great. Buy this album if you don't have it
Better than Abandoned Luncheonette? Yes. Perfection on 8track, but this will do just fine.
By kinnymclain
So smooth. Before Hall & Oates positioned themselves as an MTV slick, modern hit factory in the 80's, this came out. This is confident, soulful and mostly without gimmickry. A deeply analog sound, executed with a laid back touch, that didn't quite match the tenor of the times. And the album cover? For a real laugh find a copy of the lyric sheet that came with it. Strategy wise it wasn't the management teams best move, these guys always had a tough time presenting an image of themselves. As with all of their albums there are some misfires (most of the second half) to be sure, but overall this is the coolest album they released. The second single Sara Smile gets all the attention but the first, Camellia, soars.