Private Audition - Heart

Private Audition


  • Genre: Rock
  • Release Date: 1982-06-05
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 11

  • ℗ 1982 Sony Music Entertainment


Title Artist Time
City's Burning Heart 4:23
Bright Light Girl Heart 3:23
Perfect Stranger Heart 3:51
Private Audition Heart 3:24
Angels Heart 2:59
This Man Is Mine Heart 3:08
The Situation Heart 4:35
Hey Darlin Darlin Heart 3:42
One Word Heart 4:32
Fast Times Heart 4:02
America Heart 2:34


  • The End…

    By Kohalafan
    Unfortunately, this album signals the beginning of the end for this previously great band after the loss of Roger Fisher and minus a professional producer. Personnel changes and interference and control by the record company(-ies) killed this band of great talents. City’s Burning the only standout.
  • Not really a review

    By larry toothbrush
    I really like the 1st 2 tracks but most don't know that the opener is about what it was like to live in Manhattan on 12/8/80
  • Underrated masterpiece

    By RadicalDelusion
    This album is timeless. While not one of the most commercially successful albums by the legendary band, in my opinion, it is one of the best. It showcases the Wilson sisters' versatility both stylistically and songwriting-wise. Meant to be listened to as an entire album, it has the feel of a rock opera, or even a Broadway show at times. The production is perfect. Not overly polished and slick like the later 80s stuff, but not raw either. Ann's voice is at its peak, and the instrumentation and arrangements are extremely creative. Having had the original liner notes, I was amazed to read that they did things like pluck piano strings, layered with acoustic guitars. All of the string arrangements are done with real instruments, violins, cellos, etc. ironically, the one top 40 hit, this man is mine, is probably the weakest song on the album, not indicative at all of the rest of the album's sound. Not to say that is a bad song. This album contains some of hearts heaviest songs, as well as some of their most beautiful acoustic ballads. The opening track, City's Burning, proves how instrumental they were influencing the Seattle grunge scene that emerged 10 years later. I think one of the reasons that it was not hugely successful commercially is because that it transcended what was trendy at the time. When you listen to the album now, especially the new version that has been newly remastered for iTunes, it truly is a timeless classic.
  • what a mess!!!

    By wil1iam
    this is truly one of the worst heart albums of all time. other than "cities burning" the rest of the cuts should have been shelved. this is the result of not having a creative lead guitarist, the loss of roger fisher was almost fatal for the band. also, not having a professional producer hurt this effort immensely. unless you are a diehard heart fan,, this album is better skipped over
  • Truly awful

    By HypertextATL
    Mismatched vocals, underwritten songs...this is what happens when they don't have a commercial producer at the knobs.
  • Private Audition

    By 1234rhiannon
    Everyone seems to be missing the greatness of this album. "City's Burning" is awesome because you can listen to it when your mad, need to hear a rocking song, or just want to hear a great song. "Bright Light Girl" is catchy and upbeat, "Perfect Stranger" is a really pretty song that I think is about a lost love coming back. The title song sounds like something out of a classic movie. "Angels" is a beautiful song that should be known to all and I read somewhee it was written for Sean Lennon. "This Man is Mine" is really catchy too and was a hit. "The Situation" is really cool and sounds like your stepping into another world. "Hey Darlin Darlin" and "One Word" are two beautiful ballads. "Fast Times" is pretty rocking in my opinion and "America" has history written in the words. Now come on who wouldn't love an album like this?
  • Better Than the Critics Might Have You Think

    By Deanh
    This was Heart's last really good album and far better than it was regarded at the time. While not as good as any of the earliest albums, Private Audition is far better than anything they recorded thereafter and is well worth a listen.
  • Heart Private Audition

    By DC Scott
    No one understood this album. A hidden gem. Give it a listen if you like the band and you'll be pleasantly surprised! Makes Dog & Butterfly sound like a Zep cover album and kills the Capitol albums from the later 90's.
  • Average Album From Above Average Group

    By Songmaster Sam
    Private Audition has the sad distinction of being the second to last gasp from heart before their well-celebrated reformation in the 80's. The sad truth behind this album is that the group was going through the final stages of transition from the group that they were on Dreamboat Annie to the group that they would become. By the time the next album,Passionworks, was released, most of the rest of the group was no longer a part of Heart. Nonetheless, there are some hidden gems on this album. One Word, This Man Is Mine and City's Burning are all stand-outs in their own right. Unfortunately, these songs are sandwiched between overly-campy songs like the title track, America, and Bright Light Girl. The latter has a sickening Be-Bop rhythm that makes you think of Shirley Temple tap dancing to Led Zeppelin! Unnerving to say the least. So...this is the worst album from a remarkable group, which still leaves it light years ahead of much of the other stuff that was out at the time.

    By moutnman