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Title Artist Time


  • 5 stars

    By Podaras
    One of Dolly Parton's best. I can listen to the whole album from beginning to the end.
  • Original

    By HJK1994
    Who says you can't go back in time. Though born and raised in the early 21st century I am a huge Parton fan and am proud to say I've heard at least half of her songs. This album was really beautful and showed early Dolly.
  • My Favorite Dolly Parton Album

    By revpoplin
    I have this album on vinyl and have just about worn it out, it's nice to see it on CD. This is by far my favorite album of hers. The songs, arrangements, and vocals are just extraordinary!
  • A pivotal album

    By mthivier
    1976's ALL I CAN DO captures a pivotal point in Parton's career where she had escaped (what she came to regard as) the oppression of Porter Wagoner's mentorship, but had not yet become the full-fledged LA-style entertainer we now know her as. The result was an album that was much more free and experimental than her classic early '70s work, but without the tinsel and artifice of her post-HERE YOU COME AGAIN material. She experiments with a bit more production than she had before, yet these ten song -- eight originals and two covers -- still have a very rootsy, organic feel. Her cover of Emmylou Harris' classic "Boulder to Birmingham" was beautiful payback to Harris (who herself had beautifully covered Parton's "Coat of Many Colours" the previous year). The fact that contemporary alt. country/rock act Pinmonkey recently covered "Falling Out of Love with Me", from this album, shows just how well these songs have aged.
  • At last!!!

    By Micka & Tob
    I have loved this record for so long but it was not available on CD until now. This is my favorite Dolly album and I am so excited to finally listen to it in digital. AWESOME!!!
  • Great Dolly Ablum

    By dollyfan
    It is good to see this 1976 ablum now on CD. It is truly a great ablum.
  • Her talent surpasses her beauty

    Dolly is incredible...AMAZING album, AMAZING vocals, and AMAZING writing!!!
  • Love it !

    By AddieBelle
    I really like this cd! Any true Dolly fan would like it too. Especially if they like her "Just becuse I'm a Woman" cd. Her voice has changed so much. Her cove of "Boulder to Birmingham" is great! I did notice though tha the song "Shattered Image" is on her "Halos and Horns" cd too. :)