あなたなしでは生きてゆけない - EP - berryzkobo

あなたなしでは生きてゆけない - EP


  • Genre: J-Pop
  • Release Date: 2004-03-03
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 3

  • ℗ 2004 UP-FRONT WORKS Co.,Ltd.


Title Artist Time
anatanashidehaikiteyukenai berryzkobo 4:01
Berry Fields berryzkobo 3:14
Anatanashidehaikiteyukenai (In berryzkobo 3:58


  • It Begins!

    By XKachoOjiX
    Oh my, it appears iTunes has gotten all the Berryz singles. Yep, my wallet is in trouble...and I couldn't be happier! Anyway, here's their first single, and it's a fine one, ranging from the sultry, R&B-flavored title track to the perkier, techno bounce of Berry Fields. The only gripe I have (as with many H!P releases) is the constant intrusion of (I presume) Tsunku's vocalizations - if I wanted to hear some goofy guy singing, I'd buy...I don't know, something other than a release from an all girl group! Oh well, this is still great stuff.

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