buy it yo it's gangsta!
By Sean Taylor 36
this album is a good it.
Lil flip
By TheCrunkReview
Lil flip is just kickin it with this, check out 'i'm a balla'
prolly not worth your 99 cents
By C-DUB14
no beat
Flip Is Back
By houston713
This Song Is Tite.
By lakers4lyfe
yo man this peeper is off the peeper. this is the joint yo because i got peepers in my nose.
cop this song rite now son, it is off the hook.
Lyfe Jennings is a Legend!
By hopeyouc
This song is the baddest single of this year for 2 reasons flip of course gettin down but what makes this song ultra hot is Lyfe Jennings, the guy just absolutely destroys cameo singles with every song he touches. He is a true legend and can't do no wrong. Great work all around! Play it 1000 times each day!
Ghetto Mindstate
By Jenn Cook_KS
This song is kool, it has nice beats and gansta lyrics. One of the better songs by Lil' Flip
By NJ SmurF!
Finally, my boy Flip is back.Not as hot as Game Over, and I dont think its the best idea for a first single, but its still hot.I cant wait for his album thou.Its tight, and Jenning's souly voice does mix nicely into it.Cop it
good stuff....
By cas...jms
This song is really good... 5/5 stars
The song of Flip's life
By manforgot
It is a good song based on real stuff in the world and havin Lyfe in it is a plus.